Release – 4.32.31

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes (Englisch)


metasfresh 4.32.31 is a Bug Fix Release. It includes a few different fixes, as listed below.

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New Features that were included in this Release can be found here:

  • #276 Report Konten-Info new Parameter

    Added new Parameters (VAT-Period from-to, Account No. from-to) to Account Information Report.

  • #273 Report "Anbauplanung" addition & adjustment

    Adjusted the Report for „Anbauplanung“ to print out additional information.

  • #272 Report Karottenendabrechnung / Translate Headlines in Reportlanguage = FRENCH

    Implemented the localization for the fresh produce invoice document.

  • #295 sql in purchase inout takes too long

    Performance improvement in the jasper file

  • #292 Automatically add reference no from purchase order to invoice candidate

    The purchase order reference No is now automatically included in the corresponding invoice canidates.

  • #293 Create cron job for archiving the async-tables

    Created a cron Job to automatically archive the async data. This speeds up the overall async Performance for large environments.


In Release 4.32.31 we have adressed the following minor Bugfixes:

  • #276 Report Konten-Info new Parameter

    Added new Parameters (VAT-Period from-to, Account No. from-to) to Account Information Report.

  • #251 Invoice Candidates double invoiced

    Fixed a bug that seldomly appeared after invoiceing and caused that an invoice candidate could be invoiced twice.

  • #225 Allocation - Accounting 0,00 when Posted

    Fixed further minor issues in reposting manchanism for Payment Allocations.

  • #277 Invoice candidates sums at the bottom are not considering org-assignment

    Fixed an issue with Org Role Access in Window Invoice Candidates. Now the Status Row considers the Org Access Permission.