Release 5.29

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes (Englisch)

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The development this week was focused on the creation of new or improved windows in WebUI. Also the Translations for en_US have been pushed forward a lot. Besides these we have added a few new Features that have been awaited, like the URL Bookmark Functionality and new Features that belong to the contract/ subscription management.
Thanks to all contributors for your great effort!

Thanks all for your effort!
metasfresh 5.29 is now out!

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We are looking forward to meet you!


We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.

  • Window Design WebUI: Shipment Improvements

    Layout adjustments for the Shipment Window in WebUI. #2190

  • Window Design WebUI : Bank Statement Improvements

    Layout Improvements to Bank Statement WIndow in WebUI. #2221

  • Window Design WebUI: Adjust Sales Invoice Window Improvements

    Layout Improvements for the Sales Invoice Window in WebUI. #2271

  • Window Design WebUI: c_activity

    Minor Layout Improvement for the Cost Center Window in WebUI. #2280

  • Window Design WebUI: Product Costs

    Minor Layout Improvement for the Product Cost Window in WebUI. #2281

  • Window Design WebUI : Unit of Measure Improvements

    Minor Layout Improvement for the Unit of Measure Window in WebUI. #2285

  • Window Design WebUI: gridview with client

    Improvements in different Windows, adapting the Layout to our current design Guidelines. Adding Translations for de_DE and en_US Locale/ Language. #2468

  • Pause subscription delivery for given timeframe

    New Functionality in Subscription, allowing to add a Pause Timeframe to a given Subscription. #2495

  • Different subscription Receiver for given timeframe

    New Functionality in Subscription that allows the user to define an alternative shipment Receiver for a chosen timeframe. #2496

  • Stop Subscription shipment after 2nd dunning

    New Functionality in Subscription that allows the user to define an alternative shipment Receiver for a chosen timeframe. #2499

  • Menu Window improvements in WebUI

    New -Column Layout for the Menu maintenance Window in WebUI. #2560

  • Add attributes to subscription flatrate terms

    Functionality that allows to add Attributes to Subcription contracts. #2565

  • Provide data about a shipment schedule's source document

    Extension of Shipment Schedule, now adding more Transparences about the Shipment Schedule Trigger Document. #2574

  • Add Subscription history in Contract window WebUI

    Adding included Tab for Subscription History to Contract Window in WebUI. #2580

  • Remove remaining dependencies between shipment schedule and order line

    Improving the Shipment Schedule to Orderline Dependancy, now allowing to have more than 1 Shipment Schedule to an Orderline, which is often needed in Subscription Contracts. #2584

  • Action/ Process to reopen processed Shipment Schedules

    New Process that allows to reopen an already closed/ processed shipment Schedule entry. #2585

  • Subscription invoicing

    New/ Extended Functionality for the Invoiceing of Subscription contracts and shipments. #2591

  • New Window for Dunning Level in WebUI

    New window in WebUI that allows the Maintenance of different Dunning Types and Dunning Levels. #2593

  • Export AD_System relevant fields to /info endpoint

    New internal Functionality that allows to get all AD_System relevant fields via /info endpoint. #2601

  • Reactivate and fix subscription pricing

    Improvement of the subscription Pricing Functionality. #2602

  • I as an user want to store an URL as attachment to a record

    New Feature that allows to add an URL to the attachment List of a given Data Record. #605

  • HU-Transform needs to filter by HU status

    New Feature that allows to Filter by Handling Unit Status when transforming the HU. #606

  • Set unique hazlecast group name

    Internal issue to prevent Hazelcast to connect/ communicate with other instances. #613


We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.

  • Fix AD_RefList.ValueName value around subscription

    Reference List Fix in Subscription. #2566

  • Fix the callout for CalloutProductCategory to comply with webui

    Minor fix in the Product Category Callout to comply with WebUI. #2598

  • Swing Client. Window for Printing Queue does not open properly anymore

    Fix for the Printing Queue Window in Swing Client. #2576


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About the Author

Mark Krake


Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.

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