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Our new Release of metasfresh 4.52.51 is out now. Please check out the new functionalities and fixes in the list below.
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This Release includes a few interesting new Features.
#774 show address on all docs so it fits the letter window
Adjust all Documents so that the address fits into the letter window od envelops C5/ C6 according to ISO 269 und DIN 678.
#773 show delivery address on sales order
Show the deliverTo location on Sales Order Documents.
#507 Copy with Details for PP_Product_BOM
Add a new Functionality to allow copy-with-details on Bill of Materials records.
#780 Have logo on jasper report that spans from left to right
Rearranged the logo placing on Documents to allow the upload and usage of large, page-spanning Logos from left to right.
#816 Do not show prices on shipment note
Undisplayed the prices on shipment documents.
#615 Purchase Order wrong Price from Contract or Pricesystem for specific Product
Addresses the possible case of different procurement products that have different attributes and still both match equally well
#791 Create Nachbelastung from Invoice Cast exception
Fixes a Bug that lead into an exception when creating an adjustment charge to an existing invoice.
#761 Reactivating an InOut fails sometimes
Now the reactivation of InOuts also works with records that were deleted at the time the async-package is processed
Do you want to know more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! Then check out our fast evolving Documentation. You can find it here:
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