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Another week of great results in our project. Thanks to all contributors participating in our project. Its amazing again how many issues can be tackled in such a short time-frame of 7 days.
The new metasfresh Release 4.55.54 is out now.
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The List of new Features is really long this week.
Adapt the reports for Material Receipt to work with Receipt Schedule ID as Paramater. This is needed for the new Material Receipt Workflow in WebUI which is now based on generic Material Receipt Schedule Window.
#460 Provide aggregate HUs
Introduce the Handling Unit compression to only store and process the minimal needed informations about Handling Units per step in supply chain. This Implementation is a huge Performance gain in Handling Unit processing.
#815 Jasper Footer: Show bank account in one line
Adjust the Jasper Reports Footer subdocument. Show all bank information now in same line.
Add new Field in Request window to allow the storage of an explicit Vendor Businesspartner.
#914 adjust weight in Docs_Purchase_InOut_Customs_Details function
Adjust the customs report to fit for swiss requirements in customs reporting. The gross weight is now calculated as Handling Units weight minus weight Logistics Unit Package Item.
#873 Customer & Vendor Subtab in BPartner Window WebUI
Add and arrange the customer and vendor subtab in Businesspartner Window in Web User Interface.
#196 Grid View 100% height
Adjust the Grid view height to expand to screensize.
#795 Price Window WebUI Layout
Add the Layout for the Price window in WebUI.
#896 Dunning Window WebUI
Add the Layout for the Dunning Window in WebUI.
#194 Open views from process execution result
Add a new functionality that allows process results to receive a Window ID and open the corresponding Window after finishing the process execution.
We have got rid of the following Bugs in this current Release.
#857 Fix String Attributes Save in POS
Fix that now allows the possibility to save String Attribute in POS Windows also without loosing focus for recorded field.
#863 No Result Window for Prosesses that don't allow rerun
Fix for rerun parameter in Processes. Now possible to switch off the rerun confirmation Window after Process.
Minor Fix for Value Type of generated HU Attributes.
#781 ESR scan processing returns improper bpartner
Fix and Enhancement of ESR Scan functionality in Purchase Invoices. Now allowing to select alternative Business Partner for on the Fly Bank Account generation.
#783 DocAction on Sales Order not available although permission existing
Sysconfig to certrally enable/ disable the Document Action Close.
#813 hide packing instruction and qty when null
Fix that does not show the Packing Instruction and Packing Qty on documents anymore when null.
#903 Jenkins build error with slash in branch name
Minor Fix for Jenkins Build.
#870 Invoice Candidate price-qty overwrite lost when ReverseCorrect
Fix that stores the price & qty override in Invoice Candidates after Reverse-Correct of Invoice.
#910 update and fix sales invoice jasper and function
Add the precise description for delivery date as demanded by german law.
#204 Can not complete Order
Minor Fix that now allows the completion of Sales Order in Web User Interface.
#886 GrandTotal missing in Purchase Order Grid view
Fix that enables the display of Grandtotal Field in Sales Order.
#179 Fields too short for documentno in Breadcrumbs
Fix that extends the number of visible digits (now 9 digits) in Breadcrumb menu for Document or masterdata identifiers.
If your are looking for where to start with learning the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! Then check out our fast evolving Documentation. You can find it here: