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We are so excited. This is our last release before the launch of our new Web User Interface based on reactJS/ redux. We will launch the demo environments for the new Web Version in the next week. Stay tuned.
Thanks a lot to all Contributors, what a great piece of work done again in the last 7 Days.
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This Release includes a few interesting new Features.
#850 Add Migration Script to rename Attribute Set Instance Field
Global renaming of Label „Attribute Set Instance“ to „Attribute“.
#968 Include webui in the normal rollout process
Optimizing the Continuous Integration workflow to allow the build of WebUI in default Rollout Process.
#1028 extract distributable stuff into dedicated repo
Create a dedicated repository and moved distributably stuff there for betterseperation of core and customized implementations.
#1040 Have new request type opportunity
Included the new Request Type „Opportunity“. First step preparing data structure for our new Opportunity Dashboard in WebUI.
#1049 inDispute Fields and Quality% missing in main Invoice Candidate Window
Adjustments in Invoice Candidates Window of WebUI. Included Fields with infomration about the Dispute Status and Quality Inspection information of Material Receipt.
#171 No packing item selectable for M_HU_PI_Item_Product
Now allowing the recording/ editing of Packing Items in CU:TU Configuration of Product.
#182 Material Receipt w/ multiple lines and solitary CU Buckets
Implementation of multi line receiving in Material Receipt and Handling Unit Editor.
#183 Implement userSession endpoint which also provides the timeZone upcoming
When parsing JSON Dates without time, always ignoring the sent timezone.
#184 Implement KPI service
First prototype Implementation for new metasfresh WebUI Dashboard with usage of D3JS Charts.
Now providing the information up to Frontend that if data has been saved yet in database. This implementation allows to give the user more feedback about editing errors or missing mandatory data.
Implementation of a generic functionality to add new data when not found during autocomplete search workflow. This new functionality will be used in search widget and allows to record data on the fly that belongs to the search field column and ID.
#377 grid view: when initially clicking on first row, the second one is first selected
Changed the focus behavior in Grid View rows. The cursor „jump“ is now eliminated. The user can use the keyboard arrow down to now firstly focus and further navigate trhough the grid.
#392 Filters are not respecting mandatory property
Adjustment on filter datils for webUI. Now respecting and showing if parameter/ filter fields are mandatory to be filled.
#416 moving scrollbar on arrow key in dropdown
Large dropdown lists now scroll down together with keyboard arrow down navigation.
#428 When calling a process from HU editor open the process parameters on top of the HU editor modal
Now allowing modal over modal process windows, to allow the usage of actions also in modal overlays.
#435 filter in Material Receipt Candidates does not work
Fixing a minor issue that occured when creating and using a filter criteria that does not have any variable parameters.
#458 HU Editor Attribute editing not possible
Fixing a Bug that occured when trying to edit attributes in HU Editor for a selected HU Level.
#1004 Order by C_Order_ID desc in Sales Order Window
New Order by criteria in Order Window, so that newest Orders always occur at Tio initially.
#1007 Window for PMM_PurchaseCandidate in WebUI
New Window in WebUI for Procurement candidates.
#1032 Material Receipt Candidates Grid View finetuning
Adjustments to the Material Receipt Candidates fintuning. Rearranged and reduced the columns shown, so allow a better recognition of important data for the Material Receipt end user.
We have got rid of the following Bugs in this current Release.
#1036 Harmonize BL for ModelCacheService.IsExpired
Fixing a Bug in the ModelCacheService that considered records to be expired under certain conditions although they weren’t.
#140 Failed retrieving included documents when one of them is no longer in repository
Fixed a Bug that occured in one time situation and restricted the retrieving of included documents.
#160 Don't load documents when dealing with attachments API
Fix Material Receipt in WebUI to avoid interfering attachments api that cause error in minor cases when receiving HU.
#176 Attributes editor problems
Fixes an issue that only showed 3 Attribute lines when opening the Attribute Editor.
#177 Date range parameters are not consistent with the ones I introduce
Harmonized the date ranges selected in WebUI Frontend with the Parameter Date Ranges used for filtering of data in Backend.
#194 Quality discount not considered when receipving HUs
Now the Quality discount is considered in Material Receipt WebUI.
Fixes an issue that connected the wrong viewID in „created material receipt“ workflow using keyboard navigation and selection.
Our Documentation Project is evolving fast, but still has a lot of work left in documenting all the metasfresh functionalities. Last week our Documentation Team started with combined Text and video documentation. It’s really awesome. Check it our here: