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We had a great week with metasfresh at the CeBIT 2017 and had the great opportunity to talk to a lot of people and introduce our new architecture with Rest-API and the brand new Web User Interface. The feedback was amazing and showed us clearly that we are moving in the right direction with our project and development.
Thanks a lot to all of our contributors for your endless energy and participation. Your are doing an amazing job!
„About gnus, zebras and crocodiles.“
Thanks a lot to all contributors! Our Release 5.2 is out now!
If you are searching for the opportunity to participate in a free and Open Source and very Community with great people, then don’t search any longer. Come in and join metasfresh and be part of our vision to become the most successful Free and Open Source ERP Project worldwide for Small and midsize enetrprises. You are welcome. Meet us in our forum or in our Gitter Chat.
We are looking forward to meet you!
Although metasfresh war on the CeBIT for the whole week, the development went further on. These are the new features we released this week.
#453 Closing modal or window with unsaved changes
Providing a better usability when changing the window or modal overlay with unsaved changes.
#461 If tab layout's "supportQuickInput" is false then don't show the "Batch entry" button
The batch entry buttrons for quick input are now not shown when the layout provided by rest-api does not support that.
#462 If document was not found forward to documents view
The User Interface now automatically forwards to documents view in the case that a document is not found.
#484 Login Screen 2nd Window usability
Improving the usability of the login screen so that the user can navigate, edit and confirm with keyboard completely without mouse usage.
#491 Line height "jump" when editing mode
Improving the behavior of grid view so the lines height dows not change depending of its content.
#532 KPI: Remove the Refresh option
Removing the refresh button from KPI because this is not needed anymore since D3JS implementation.
#533 KPI: maxime/restore when double clicking on title bar
Improved usability on dashboard. When the user double clicks on the titlebar, then the KPI widget maximizes/ minimizes automatically.
#540 Don't use deprecated staleTabIds
Improving the behavior of included tab and staled information.
#252 Provide to frontend: tab allow create new and delete as they change
New functionalities to tab rows deleting/ adding functions. These shall only be shown in user interface if the api provides the possibilities.
#264 Support different printers for same user and different login locations
Additional api improvements to allow different printers for the same users with different login locations.
#1145 Refactor adempiereJasper servlets and implement them with @RestController
Complete refactoring of adempiereJasper servlets so that they now can work together with the Rest API Controller.
#1146 Change "sent by" in Request Notifications
New information in Requests, now keeping the infomration about the notification sender.
#1152 Support address sequence configuration in multi org environment
Improvement of the country location sequence configuration in multi organisational environments.
#1178 Warehouse Window in WebUI Layout
New Window in Web User Interface to allow the creation and maintenance of Warehouses.
We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.
#451 Bug in Sales Order Line, Add new
Fixed an issue in the „add new“ functionality of Sales Order Line.
#474 Editing in the middle of a text field makes the cursor jump to the end
This change fixes a user experience issue that let the curson jump to the end when the user tried to edit in the middle of a text.
#502 Lookup field layout issue when it has red border
Adjusting the layout of red bordered elements, now aboiding that existing icons overlap the border.
#526 Running a process from menu does not work
Fixing a Bug that prevented to run processes called from navigation menu.
#539 Confirm autocomplete Field entry in grid functionality
Now it is possible for the user to select and confirm autocomplete entries in the grid view of included tabs.
#545 View's windowId is not matching the expected one
View’s window ID is not matching the expected one
#547 Menu's first element is hidden behind on mobile
Fixing an issue in mobile responsive navigation design. Now also showing the first link on mobile size resolution.
#550 Clicking on grid view breadcrumb item does not work
Bugfix for the breadcrumb navigaion on griwd view items.
#558 Respect saveStatus in connected modal
Fixing a Bug to repect the saveStatus also in connected modal overlays.
#256 Cannot create a new BPartner contact
Bugfix for the creation of a business partner contact in Web UI.
#259 New Warehouse is not saveable
New Warehouse is not saveable
#260 cannot create receipt with multiple TU on LU
Fix for the Material Receipt that did not properly generate receipt lines whan receiving Handling Units with Transprot Units on Load Units.
#263 Bug in Warehouse window: Auftragsübersicht (intern) NPE
Eliminated the reason for the Null Pointer Exception in Warehouse Window for the Sales Order Overview.
#473 Adjust ESR layout for E-Druck
Adjusted the Layout of the swiss ESR bill for electronic exchange.
#1165 QtyDelivered not set back correctly after reactivating and voiding a material receipt
Now correctly resetting the Qty delivered when reactivating or voiding a material receipt.
#1177 Qties in Material Receipt not correct after several splitting and transforming in HU Editor
Handling Unit Transforming is now delivering the correct results after splitting and merging via the new Handling Unit editor and Handling Unit compression.
#1184 Price is found for C_OlCand despite it was deactivated
Although the price was deactivated in Product Price it was used in Order Line Candidates. This is now fixed.
#1192 Pricing: IsDefault was not properly migrated
Fixing a Bug with the product price migration after price refactoring.
Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! Then check out our fast evolving Documentation. You can find it here: