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We are moving fast towards out target to make the old swing client obsolete and will be able to maintain the whole of metasfresh via the new Web User Interface based on ReactJS/ Redux in a short time.
In this weeks Release we focused on the development of the new picking functionality in WebUI and on a lot of smaller improvements that further raise the level of fun using metasfresh. The new Avatar area is now implemented, allowing the user to easily create individual settings. Further on we have finished the bookmark feature that allows the user to star the favorite windows/ and elements and reach them via the navigation menu.
Contributors you are awesome! Thanks a lot again for your participation and making this project happen.
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This is the list of the new features we have finished implementing in the last week.
#1513 Translating Shipment Candidates and other fields to en_US
Improving the Translation of metasfresh for the en_US language. Here adding the Translation of the Shipment Candidates window.
#1590 Translate User Window to en_US
Improving the Translation of metasfresh for the en_US language. Here adding the Translation of the User window.
#1655 Add CountExpected in Async Batch and improvements
Nice new feature to see the expected counts for AsynchBatch processing queue.
#1741 New Window for Order Control in WebUI
New Window for Order Control Report maintenance in WebUI
#1742 Translation for en_US in WebUI
Improving the Translation of metasfresh for the en_US language. This is the overall main issue.
#1746 Layout Optimization of User Window in WebUI
Adding a few Layout Optimzations to User window. Now showing the Login Field in Grid View and deleting the combined Name Field. Additional sized adjustments.
#1748 Project Documentation: Screenshots
Adds WebUI Screenshots to our project and adding to our readme page.
#1753 New Window for Material Transactions in WebUI
New Window to Filter/ Search for Material Transaction in WebUI. Alowing the user to search for Products, Business Partners, Dates and Transaction Types.
#1754 New Window for Transport Disposition in WebUI
Adding 2 new Windows to WebUI – Transport Disposition and Transport Shipment – allowing the user to find out which shipments have predefined Tour Deliverydays allocated and which have to be joined to a Shipper Transportation manually.
#1757 New Window Shipper Transportation in WebUI
Creates the new Window for Shipper Transportation in WebUI.
#1765 Adjustment of advanced edit in Doctype Window
Refining the Layout of the Document Type Window, adding missing fields and adjusting the advanced edit layout.
#1769 Window Adjustments for Dashboard Configuration
Refining the window Layout of User Dashboard Configuration Window in WebUI.
#1770 New Window for KPI Widgets in WebUI
Adds the default 2-column Layout to the KPI Widget Configuration Window in WebUI.
#1773 Add Description Field to User Dashboard
New Description Field in Dashboard Window that allows to add a few notes what the Dashboard Configuration is about.
#1778 New Window/ Tab for KPI Field Translation
New Window for KPI Field Translation maintenance.
#1782 My profile window: take out Password field
Removing the Password Field from my Profile Window.
#1794 Advanced Edit: Business Partner Main View and Customer
First Prototype of Advanced Edit Screen, here done in Business Partner window Main View and Customer Subtab.
#1798 Prototype Dashboard for Board frontend development
Adds a prototype Project Board to WebUI menu.
#1801 Translation of My Profile Window to en_US
Translating the new Avatar Settings of my Profile Windw to en_US Language.
#1805 Add the new Picking Window to WebUI Menu
Adding the prototype Picking window to WebUI menu.
#433 Show Manufacturing Order number in window header
Enhancement of the WebUI User Interface for moadl overlays. Implemented the endpoint to show detailed infomration to teh user when opening the Manufacturing Issue/ Receipt window.
#434 Provide endpoints for user avatar and user settings
New Implementation in Rest-API that provided endpoints for the new Avatar and User Settings Functionality.
#435 document: stale tab events shall be sent to document's websocket endpoint
Improvement of the WebUI Rest-API communication for messages because of Stale Tabs.
#437 Load/ Reload of delivery Days window takes too long.
API Improvement for opening windows with a large amount of data.
#441 Implement Board API
Implementing the metasfresh API for the generic Board configuration functionality.
#444 Make Dashboard Translatable
Improvement of the Rest-API now allowing to Translate fixed elements via metasfresh ad_messages and their translation.
#447 Truncate WEBUI_ViewSelection tables on startup
Housekeeping Task to cleanup the WebUI View Selection Tables on server startup, which were growing fast.
#451 Provide view sticky filters to be displayed by frontend
New functionality for better User transparence. Now adding „sticky filters“ API to mark windows that were opened and filtered via zoom-to. This endpoint will be used by the frontend in the next milestones.
#452 Introduce URL widget type
API Implementation of the new URL Widget in frontend.
#453 Password process parameters shall allow showing the password
Endpoint that allows to make the passwords visible in the change password process.
#456 Outbound Mail endpoint prototype
Implementation of the eMail ourbound endpoint, which will be used by frontend in the new eMail editor.
#802 User/ Session Settings w/ Avatar and Logout
Endpoint that allows to make the passwords visible in the change password process.
#803 Bookmark a window/process/report and show in Quick Menu
Endpoint that allows to make the passwords visible in the change password process.New Fuctionality that allows the user so bookmark favorite menu entries and show these in the navivation action menu.
#835 Collapse functionality in Grid View included rows
A new User Interface Functionality allowing to define collapsible/ expandable Tree Grids in metasfresh. This functionality will be used first time in Picking Terminal and then later in retraceabbility Window too.
#839 Combined Fields/ Lookup adjustment
Nice Improvements to Combined Lookup fields adding a step-by-step workflow when recording data in those fields.
#840 Open Sitemap shall focus on Search Field initially and more
Navigation Improvements in Sitemap Screen. Now allowing easy switch between filtered menu treee and search field.
#847 Loading of empty delivery Days Window take long
Frontend Improvement for opening windows with a large amount of data.
#854 After login to account, go to sitemap page, open developer tab and start using scroll.
Additional Improvement for the Usage of Firefox Browser with metasfresh WebUI.
#855 Missing shadow under top menu
Improvement of User Interface when using Firefox Browser. Now showing the shadow underneath top navigation when scrolling down.
#862 Modal view: show view description if available
Additional Descriptions to modal Overlay windows. First Implementation of this feature in Manufacturing Window Issue/ Receipt now showing the Document Type and Document No.
#863 Show password option for Password widget
New Functionality to allow the user to make the passoword visible in Password changing workflow.
#865 Clickable URL in Fields
New Widget Type for URL Fields that allow the user to open a new browser Tab with the recorded link.
#867 Layout Adjustment for UI Section Headlines
New Layout for Section Headlines, allowing more and better visibility/ readability for the user.
#872 Breadcrumb: separate the document summary and last breadcrumb node with a slash
Additional Slash Character in Breadcrumb to seperate the window Name and Document Identifier.
#880 Change Icon for URL Link
Adjusting the Icon of the new URL widget with a ‚link‘ image.
#23 Jenkinsfile make docker tag from MF_UPSTREAM_BRANCH
Build System improvement now allowing to issue the git branch name as docker tag.
#8 implement crude pagination for cherry-pick-issue-script
Adding support for github issues with more than 30 events.
We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.
#1441 move subproject de.metas.endcustomer.mf15.ait to metasfresh-dist repo
Cleanup; Thx @homebeaver for the pointer
#1735 istransferwhennull not working in webUI but in java client
This Fixes the transmission of Attributes from issued material to received product in the manufacturing workflow.
#1793 fix jasper document for vendor returns
Minor Bugfix for the Vendor Returns document.
#1802 picking terminal is not opening
Fixes a Bug that prevented the starting/ opening of the Picking Terminal Window.
Fixing the „create primary key“ process in Table/ Columns in Application Dictionary.
#1810 Responsible mandatory Field missing in Request
Adds the Field back for Resposible Sales Representative to Request Window in WebUI.
#400 minimum password length error message not displayed
Now adding an error message to the user when the changed password does not have a length of at least 8 characters.
#436 Manufacturing Order Issue not possible after barcode filtering
Fixes a minor Bug that occured when using the barcode filtering.
#446 Cannot open the menu when logged in as System Administrator
Now allows also the System Administrator to see the menu in WebUI.
#795 On tab stale event, don't refresh tabs which are queryOnLoad but are not the active tab
Refreshing/ Reloading improvement fix for stale tabs which are not active and shall only be queried when opened.
#848 notifications don't update
Minor fix. Noe updating the the user notifications again.
#849 manufacturing order doesn't open
Fixes a Bug that prevented the Manufacturing Order window to be opened in WebUI.
#878 Error firework when logout
Fixes various issues that occured when logging out of metasfresh.
#879 Avatar Picture not deleted from Header when cleared in Profile Settings
Minor fix for not undisplaying the Avatar image from header when deleting the Image from User Profile.
#881 Error when pressing Action Menu in Collapsible Grid Window
Fixes an issue with the Action Menu in windows with the new collapsible Grid View.
#883 hu editor doesn't update
Bugfix for the HU Editor that did not update in some cases.
Thanks a lot to our new contributors in the Documentation Project which is evolving fast, also the translation.
Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! You can find it here: