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Our main focus in this week’s release was on proceeding with the implementation of the new Picking Terminal Window in WebUI and providing the the new Retraceability functionality and Data Structures. As usual we also solved some Housekeeping Issues and did Bug fixing.
Contributors, thanks a lot to all for making this project happen. You’ve done an amazing effort again.
Contributors Thanks a lot!
Our new weekly Release 5.17 is out now!
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Here is the list of new Features we have provided in this Release.
#1787 New Window for Quality Inspection Conference Results in WebUI
New Window for Quality Insprection Conference (Swiss Produce of Storage Vegetables) maintenance in WebUI.
#1933 Menu Translations for Language en_US
Translations for all Menu entries and window Names for WebUI Menu for Language en_US.
#1949 Add Inventory Valuation Report to WebUI menu
Adding the Inventory Valuation Report to WebUI.
#1951 Window for Swiss ESR Payment Import in WebUI
New window for the Swiss ESR Payment Import in WebUI.
#1952 intern: option bind related processes to a particular window
New Functionality in our Application Dictionary, allowing to bind Processes to a given window instead to a Table. This allows a much more generic split of actions depending on the given context it shall be used in.
#1954 Different adjustments for Contract Window in WebUI
New Window in WebUI for Contract Maintenance.
#1960 Add window asynchronous workpackage queue to webui
New Window in WebUI for Async Workpackage maintainence.
#401 Support Zooming to NULL values
A New Functionality in WebUI Frontend, when zooming-to Fields that are empty and have null value. In theses cases the corresponding Windows open with a „new“ action.
#490 Picking prototype (v3)
Introducing the next Prototype iteration of the Picking Window.
New Functionality in WebUI Frontend that allows to Zoom-To windows with empties fields. This allows the user to quickly record missing entries for referenced data and then select and uses when data recording.
#918 Keyboard Shortcuts for Done, Apply, Start and Cancel
New Keyboard Shortcuts added for Done, Apply and Cancel Actions.
#919 Keyboard shortcut for Quickaction dropdown
New Keyboard Shortcuts added for the Quickaction dropdown.
#941 grid view: show one text for top level rows
New Functionality to show grouping Information in Tree View which can be different to the infomraiton in tree nodes/ leafs.
We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.
#1947 camt54 import does not support multiple Ntrys
Fix for swiss ESR Payment importer from Sepa camt54. Now allowing to import files with more than 1 ntry node and letting the Importer iterate them.
#1953 Support multiple email recipients
Fixes a Bug that prevented the initial setting of multiple receipients in eMail editor, when opening from a document window.
#1961 AD_BoilerPlate variables not resolved in Email editor
Fixes the Boilerplate usage in eMail Editor that was broken due to a refactoring for the eMail Editor in WebUI.
#1970 MatchInv not posting properly
Fixes the posting of Match Invoices with Material Receipts that lead to an error in minor cases.
#956 Caption Translation not working for Sidelist Menu
Now also translating the static element properly for Sidelist menu.
#957 Sidelist toolips: Remaining translations for static messages not in Frontend
Additional i18n of static elements in WebUI Frontend.
#959 Modal Overlay not translated although captions exists
Adding the Translation Functionality for static elements in Modal Overlays.
#971 Page Up and Page Down load all data even if there is only one page
Thanks robertup
#968 Navigation with arrows in modal windows gets to the background lines
Adjustment of the behavior in navigation when using the arrow keys to navigate through modal overlay Grid View in the new Picking Prototype.
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