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Summer time, vacation time aaaaaand another metasfresh Friday Release ready and out. Keeping it short today: Thanks a lot to all contributors. You are awesome!
Thanks a lot to all contributors.
You are awesome!
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We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.
#1994 Adjust Sales Invoice Window
Finetuning for the Sales Invoice Window to adjust the Layout to meet our current Look And Feel concept.
#2019 Add Widget Size to System Elements
New Feature in metasfresh Application Dictionary, allowing the admin to define default widget sizes per System Element.
#2029 New Window for Accounts and Elements in WebUI
New Window for the maintenance of Account Elements in WebUI
#2032 Layout for Handling Unit Editor Window in WebUI
Refined Layout for the Detail Views in Handling Unit Editor Window of WebUI.
#2046 Window Design WebUI: Attribute Set
Adding the refined Layout for the Attribute Set Window in WebUI.
#2049 Window Design WebUI: Purchase Order
Adopting the Purchase Order Window to the current Window Concept for Documents in metasfresh WebUI
#2052 Window Design WebUI: Price System
Adopting the Price System Window to the current Window Concept for Master Data in metasfresh WebUI
#2053 Window Design WebUI: Inventory Move
Adopting the Inventory Move Window to the current Window Concept for Documents in metasfresh WebUI
#2058 Change AD_Table_ID Identifier to Name only
Changing the Identifier for AD_Table from TableName + Name to Name only. This allows a better readability for the user.
#2066 CRM: Businesspartner B2C Reminder Functionality
New CRM Feature in Businesspartner B2C Window, allowing to set reminder Dates via Request Actions for Sales Responsible and Sales Representative.
#2067 switch between C_Order_MFGWarehouse with and without barcode
New Feture that allows to switch between Warehouses in Manufacturing with and without Barcodes.
#2069 Window Design WebUI: Bill of Materials
Adopting the Bill of Materials Window to the current Window Concept for Master Data in metasfresh WebUI
#2071 Window Design WebUI: Payment Window
Adopting the Payment Window to the current Window Concept for Documents in metasfresh WebUI
#2074 CRM: Document List in Subtab Functionality
New Feature in the Businesspartner B2C Window. Including a new Included Tab, Data Structure and Functionality for CRM Documents.
#2077 Window Design WebUI: Payment Allocation Window
Adopting the Payment Allocation Window to the current Window Concept for Documents in metasfresh WebUI
#2083 Window Design WebUI: Customer Returns
Adopting the Customer Returns Window to the current Window Concept for Documents in metasfresh WebUI
#2092 Scheduler - improve error handling if AD_Role_ID can't be found
Improving the User Experience with better messages when the Scheduler fails not able to receive the User Role for running a process.
#2096 Businesspartner B2C Location Editor missing
Adjustments for the Businesspartner B2C Window, adding missing Fields and Layout.
#503 Picking prototype (v5)
Further Improvements of the Picking API now in Version 5. Belongs to the Development of the new Picking Window in WebUI.
#514 Support HU transform from HU window
Improvement od the Handling Unit Transform Action in Handling Unit Editor Window.
#518 Picking prototype (v6)
Further Improvements of the Picking API now in Version 5. Belongs to the Development of the new Picking Window in WebUI.
#982 Functionality to add Actions for Subtab Data
New Functionality now allowing to also define actions to included subtabs and use them via Action Menu.
#1031 Autoselect when doubleclick on included Tab Row Field
New Feature wanted heaviliy by Power Users. Now it’s possible to directly edit the field content after double clicking a field in Included Tab Grid View.
#1061 Larger Avatar Menu Photo
Resizing of the Avatar Image allowing to better differentiate the User Sessions on smaller Screens.
#1084 Handle websocket document stale event
New internal Functionality to only refresh a Document without all included Tabs when needed. This avoids the reload of mass data although nothing has changed in Subdata.
We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.
#496 String document IDs cannot be converted to int Handling Unit Editor
Fixes a Bug that occurred in Handling Unit Editor for String Document No being a String instead of an Integer.
#511 Problems with Sales Opportunities Board
Fix for the Sales Opportunity Board, now removing Cards from the New Selection List that were previously added to the Board.
#516 moving 1 TU from one LU to another
Fixes a refresh issue in Handling Unit Editor when transforming 1 Transport Unit to other existing Logistic Unit.
#1027 line looks selected, but it's not
Fixes a minor Bug that presented a row as seleted although it wasn’t,
#1045 frontend shall switch to offline mode on http 503 error
Fix for the case that a 503 error is returned. Now the frontend switches to offline mode.
#1046 opening included view from action not working in picking
Fix in Picking Window now also opening included views there too.
Fixes the Breadcrumb menu in Windows that are in 2nd level hierarchy in menu tree.
#1062 Avatar Foto stretches when not Square
Fix for the Avatar Photo that was presented in a stretched way when the uploaded Photo was not one with square dimensions.
#1065 Window title wrong for windows in deeper menu hierarchy
Fix for the Window Name in Action Menu, that was not shown properly for Windows in deeper Menu Hierarchy.
#1067 board: add new: don't show the loading icon after data is loaded
Fix for the new Board Functionality, now not showing the Loading Icon after the card data is loaded.
#1068 board: when there are no new cards show the empty result text/hint
Better Transparency for the user after leaving a card selection List empty. Now showing a empty result hint to the user.
#1073 Bug in Advanced edit of Purchase order
Fix for the Advanced Edit Mode in Window Purchase Order, that sometimes did not open.
#1078 Wrong quickActions call when opening HU editor
Fix for action calls when opening the Handling Unit Editor initially.
#1094 Error on document websocket event
Fix for a minor error on document websocket events.
Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! Then check out our fast evolving Documentation. You can find it here: