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In this weeks Release we focused our effort on further details in WebUI and proceeding with features of the new Picking Window.
Thanks a lot to all contributors for your participation. You’ve done an amazing effort again.
Contributors, thank you.
Another week of effort materializing in our new Release 5.21. Well done!
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We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.
#1771 add legacy features
Adding missing features from legacy systems to current metasfresh codebase.
#2070 Window Design WebUI: Product
Adopting the Product Window to the current Window Concept for Master Data in metasfresh WebUI
#2080 Window Design WebUI: Payment Allocation Translation en_US
Adopting the Payment Allocation Window to the current Window Concept for Documents in metasfresh WebUI
#2086 Sales Order Advanced Edit Window in main View
Adopting the Sales Order Window to the current Window Concept for Documents in metasfresh WebUI
#2087 Purchase Order Advanced Edit Window in main View
Adopting the Purchase Order Window to the current Window Concept for Documents in metasfresh WebUI
#2096 Businesspartner B2C Location Editor missing
Adjustments for the Businesspartner B2C Window, adding missing Fields and Layout.
#2101 webui - allow disabling auto-close of picking candidates
New Switch to influence the closing behavior of picking candidates.
#977 Add frontend support for modifying the KPI config (caption, offset, etc)
New Functionality allowing the user to adjust KPI Settings via Frontend.
#1051 Cut-Off Header names
Adjusting the Header Names of Grid View Columns. Now adding elipses when Header Names are too long. Via Hover the user is able to read the Full Name via Tooltip.
#1097 Show progress when uploading big files
New Functionality when uploading Files. Now showing a progress Bar and allowing the user to proceed working during upload.
We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.
#2106 NullPointerException on CAMT 54 Import
Fixes a NPE Bug that happened in minor cases when importing a camt54 sepa file.
#2107 Error: Missing ESR creditor reference on CAMT 54 Import
Fixes a Bug in new camt54 import which failed because mandatory ESR Reference Field is missing in sepa file.
#1006 row selection in picking
When opening the picking window intitially in Grid View the first Row is now selected.
#1048 POST .../documentView/{windowId} is called twice when opening a view
Now Minimizing the amount of calls for documentView/{windowId} endpoint, which improves the performance of the overall System.
#1063 view: when refreshing the page the data is loaded twice
Reducing the load of data after refreshing a page improving the load times of views.
#1089 Avatar Tooltip opens and stays open after selecting Avatar Settings
Fixes a Bug in Avatar Tooltip which remained open after selecting the Avatar Settings.
#1095 Sales Order Batch Entry with Key Shortcut not working
Fix for Keyborad Navigation Shortcut starting the Batch Entry in Document Views (where available).
#1099 Browse whole tree is not translated in DE
New Translation for „Sitemap Menu“ of static element in WebUI Sitemap.
#1098 Cant select last entry in dropdown list
Fix for Selection Lists, now allowing to also select the last entry of a List.
#1111 Lookup Selection Lists not shown in Sequence anymore
Fixes a Bug in Lookup Fields now showing the wanted selection List sequence when defining included Fields in a Lookup.
#1114 caught in an empties loop when opened from material receipt candidates
Fixes an Navigation/ Workflow Error that occured when creating empties receive from Receiptcandidates.
in BPartner Relation Window“ title_color=““ text_color=““ graphic=“icon“ graphic_size=“60px“ graphic_shape=“circle“ graphic_color=“#ffffff“ graphic_bg_color=“hsl(88, 65%, 44%)“ align_h=“left“ align_v=“top“ side_graphic_spacing=“20px“ max_width=“none“ child=“true“ connector_width=“1px“ connector_style=“dashed“ connector_color=“#272727″ graphic_icon=“bug“]Fix for Focus after TAB from and into Lookup Fields.
not working“ title_color=““ text_color=““ graphic=“icon“ graphic_size=“60px“ graphic_shape=“circle“ graphic_color=“#ffffff“ graphic_bg_color=“hsl(88, 65%, 44%)“ align_h=“left“ align_v=“top“ side_graphic_spacing=“20px“ max_width=“none“ child=“true“ connector_width=“1px“ connector_style=“dashed“ connector_color=“#272727″ graphic_icon=“bug“]Fixes a Bug in the Keyboard Navigation in Sitemap. Now allowing the user to use the arrow-up key again.
Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! Then check out our fast evolving Documentation. You can find it here: