Release 5.67

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes (Englisch)

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Summertime, vacation time, lunar eclipse time and release time. Just in time for this evenings spectacular lunar eclipse we are ready with our new metasfresh Release 5.67. We have been working on a liot of smaller improvements and bugfixes that can be seen in the list below.
Thanks to all contributors for your passion and effort.

Thanks all for your effort!
metasfresh 5.67 is now out!

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We are looking forward to meet you!


We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.

  • Make a Webui-Window for HU Reservation

    New Window for Handling Unit Reservation in WebUI. #4292

  • WebUI: add email fields to C_Doc_OutBound

    New Fields and Filter criteria in Documentoutbound window in WebUI. #4336

  • Pricing engine sets the scale of price amounts to the respective precision

    Improvement of the Discount related pricing rule, now not adding meaningless trailing zeros after decimal anymore. #4376

  • Consolidate profit related columns in order line and purchase candidate

    Improvement of the naming and meaning of profit related columns in Orderlines and Purchase Candidates. #4380

  • Notification if automatic TU label print failed

    New Feature that sends a notification to the user when the automatic TU Label print fails. #4395

  • Implement process parameters callout support

    Internal improvement for processes/ actions, now having a callout support. #1010

  • Inline rendering filter parameters

    New Feature that allows inline rendering of Filter elements. This Feature is used initially in the Fulltext Search Filter in Businesspartner Window. #1859


We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.

  • Purchase order from sales order not working as before

    Fixes the Purchase disposition from Sales Order Feature. #4172

  • If C_DocType_Trl description exists, use this as description in document

    Fixes the Translation handling for Document Types. #4185

  • Error Zooming from material receipt to HU tracing

    Bugfix for the Document Reference to Handling Unit Tracing from Material Receipt. #4365

  • Sales Order VAT vs. Invoice Candidate VAT

    Fix for the VAT Setting in Invoice Candidates. #4371

  • HU-Editor - Refresh after HU-changing process not working properly

    Fixes the refresh in Handling Unit Editor after changing a Handling Unit. #1007

  • Cannot use transform on a TU without LU in HU Editor

    Fixes the Handling Unit Transformation for Transport Units without underlying Logistic Unit. #1012

  • Search field in Pricing conditions - keyboard selection

    Improving the selection of Pricing Conditions via Keyboard. #1785

  • Fields in modal window are copied to the one in the back

    Fixes a Bug in modals having modal field content getting copied to the underlying data structure. #1831

  • Patch not sent when you delete a text in grid view

    Fixes the editing/ patching of content in text fields in grid view editing mode. #1865

  • Set qty to purchase to 0 when removed

    Fixes the Purchase Dispo Functionality in Sales Order, now setting the Qty to 0 when removing the Puchased Qty. #1867

  • alt+Enter not working as before

    Improvement of the shortcut [alt]+Enter in different modal views. #1871

  • Action confirmation without tab does not use the set Parms

    Fixes the usage of keyboard in process parm windows. Now the parms are also taken when using alt+enter without previous tab usage. #1876

  • Cannot complete documents

    Fixes the Docactions in Documents. #1880

  • Sitemap no longer working on current master

    Fixes an Issue in metasfresh Sitemap. #1891


Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! Then check out our fast evolving Documentation. You can find it here:

About the Author

Mark Krake


Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.

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