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Our Release this week brings a new Highlight Feature: Data entry implementation. This new Functionality allows Power Users to create Subtabs and Fields in any window. You can directly start recording data after a few clicks. Try it out now, we are looking forward to hear your feedback.
Well done Contributors, metasfresh Release 5.96 is now out.
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Features & Fixes
We have finished the following list of Features and Fixes for this week’s Release
Data entry implementation
Window Layout: allow first field of a fields combo to be a dropdown
Product lookup performance improvements (repsective frontend isue not yet done)
Support single entry view mode for Tabs
Warehouse cannot be created / opening window causes error
Attributes panel is not displayed in HU Editor
QR Code not displayed
Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! Then check out our fast evolving Documentation. You can find it here: