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This little guy probably went nuts preparing for hibernation and is now soundly asleep somewhere in a borrowed burrow for the next couple of months until spring awakens him again and gets his metabolic system back up and running.
Our system however never ceases to operate and while the edible dormouse is snoozing away, we continue to publish our releases every Friday, just like today with some EDI tweaks and a new cashbook window to record payments received through cash sale, complementing our already functioning bank statement feature.
To learn more about this and our bug fixes, please check out the list below and also have a look at the docs at the end about posting payments in metasfresh and importing bank statement data. If you haven’t found out about this by yourself already while browsing through the user manual, this may be of interest to you.
Thanks to all Contributors. Our metasfresh Release 5.124 is ready and out!
Would you like to join us? You are welcome. Meet us in our forum or in our Gitter Chat. We are looking forward to meeting you!
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Features & Fixes
We have finished the following list of Features and Fixes for this week’s Release:
Cashbook Window
Performance improvement for grid views/table views
Picking Terminal v2: Cannot fully load AllocationRequest
Payment window calculation of Skonto yes/no when adjusting date
Partner relations don't work properly in sales order
Picklist in Picking Terminal v2 automatically picks, but shall not
Posting payments in metasfresh
Bank Statement Data Import
Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP? Then check out our fast evolving Documentation! You can find it right here: