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Hopping New Year!
…and all the best of courage, strength and endurance to Australia who is fighting bravely against the ravaging bushfires all over their beautiful continent. Please let it be known that we are with you in our deepest thoughts and we sincerely hope that the bushfires can be controlled and stopped from devastating and destroying more of your unique wildlife, landscapes and homes.
Our first release in 2020 brings you a couple of new features and fixes. We made some adjustments to our tour planning feature and added an indicator to all documents now clearly showing their posting status, thereby making things easier for accounting. We also expanded our catch weight feature to be supported for material receipts and purchase invoices and we enabled downloading customer order forms as well as a collective list of all undelivered order lines past their due date as Excel spreadsheets. What’s more, we also implemented the possibility to print SSCC labels using Zebra printers which will come in handy in all sorts of industries – maybe even yours!
For more information on this week’s release features and the bugs we fixed, please check out the list below.
Thanks to all Contributors. Our metasfresh Release 5.133 is ready and out!
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Features & Fixes
We have finished the following list of Features and Fixes for this week’s Release:
Tour dependent adjustments
SSCC label printing on Zebra printers
Support recording of weight also for top-level CUs
Customer Order Excel in WebUI
Set by default metasfresh C_Element to IsNaturalAccount ='Y'
Accounting: Display Posted flag in ALL documents
Download shipment dispositions past their due date in excel
Process to update AD_User_Record_Access from BPartner Hierarchy
Set async connection pool size to 1
Shipment schedule not updated when asi in orderline is updated
Accounting/Costing Issues
DocActions displayed incorrectly
Shipment schedule not updated after order reactivate and recomplete
Bug at material receipts with weight-unrelated products
Tour Planning
Catch Weight Management
How do I process sales orders with weight-dependent products?
Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP? Then check out our fast evolving Documentation! You can find it right here: