Release Notes – 4.9.8

Norbert WesselBlog, Release Notes (Englisch)

Unser wöchentliches Release von metasfresh. Diesmal Live von der CeBit 2016.
Wir bedanken und bei all unseren Besuchern für die interessanten Gespräche und vielen neuen Impulse. Wir freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen mit Euch.


  • 09920 Support sending invoice without an order via EDI: send the invoice’s POReference if there is no cctop111 record coming from metasfresh
  • 09628 procurement management (106716240958)
    • the procurementUI communicates with metasfresh via jax-rs on a jms transport
    • support for the procurementUI to run an embedded broker and connect to metasfresh’s broker over SSL
    • metasfresh contains a list with goods that are avaiable to be supplied by any vendor (without contract)
    • supply notes from the UI are sent to metasfresh and are shown to the metasfresh user as purchase order candidates which can directly be transformed into purchase orders
    • working on having metasfresh also talking to the webUI and communicate various changes instead of just responding to requests
  • FRESH-21: 09848 enable metasfresh to provide jax-rs services (101763395402)
    • when the client inititally starts and tries to connect the server, the timout is reduces from 1 minute to 2 seconds, to not stall the client and give quicker feedback if there is a problem with the server
  • 09910 extend sql rollout tool to first create a new db from template (100074461801):
    • extending the tool so we can start by creating a new database from a templated-DB and then apply the scripts to that new database


  • 09912 AD EntityType ID is not acquired from project ID server (106063434593)
  • 09628 procurement management (106716240958)
    • the first event was created with AD_Client_ID=0 and was therefore not processed