Release – 4.20.19

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes (Englisch)


metasfresh 4.20.19 is a minor release that includes a few new features and bug fixes, as listed in the list of Features and Fixes below.

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The 4.20.19 Release minor enhancements. Below is a list of the new Features:

  • FRESH-254 Customer-Vendor Returns manual flag

    Set the „manual“ flag’s default to Y in vendor and customer return windows allowing a more efficient recording.

  • FRESH-334 Product BPartner Contraint Issue

    Prevent the user from accidentally creating C_BPartner_Product record whose AD_Org_ID makes no sense.

  • FRESH-326 Set the Correct Org in Fact_Acct_Summary

    Changed the migration script to be more repeatable.


The 4.20.19 Release includes different minor Bugfixes. Below is a list of the issues we solved:

  • FRESH-152 Extract statistics fields from C_BPartner and put them to a new table called C_BPartner_Stats

    Fix to avoid multiple updates of same statistical value.

  • FRESH-343 Unwanted PInstance log shown after olCands were cleared for processing

    Took out changelog for Orderline Candidates which were cleared for processing.

  • FRESH-314 Foreign BPartner reference included in sales order C_Order.C_BPartner_ID

    Some polishing around AD_ChangeLog creation.