Release – 4.23.22

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes (Englisch)


metasfresh 4.23.22 is a minor release that includes a number of new features and bug fixes, as listed in the list of Features and Fixes below.

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The 4.23.22 Release includes major and minor enhancements. Below is a list of the new Features:

  • FRESH-280 Period sorting in all Dropdowns where uses year-month numeric

    Changed sorting for all Dropdown entries about Periods (Month-Year) to have order-by year-month numeric desc.


The 4.23.22 Release includes different minor Bugfixes. Below is a list of the issues we solved:

  • FRESH-412 quick input in orders not working

    Fixed an issue in Quick order entry in Orders (sales and purchase) window

  • FRESH-409 Creating Partner Relation throws Exception

    Fixing an exception that popped up when creating and saving a Business Partner relation

  • FRESH-407 M_ShipperTransportation Terminated after complete

    Fixing an exception that popped up when completing a shipper transportation document

  • FRESH-339 Order Candidates BPartner Change does not effect Delivery Adress

    Introduced additional Callout to adjust the corresponding locations when choosing a different Business Partner in Order Candidates Window.

  • FRESH-279 DD Order CU calculation wrong when TU = 1

    Adjusted the Qty CU Calculation when TUQty is 1

  • FRESH-309 Missing ADR ASIs in purchase order lines since february

    Restored attribute set instances that might have been missing in the past on some systems

  • FRESH-386 another error when sales order is automatically created as counter doc from a purchase order

    Fixed error that appears in sales order counter document because of automatic Handling Unit generation in complete.

  • FRESH-388 Invoice Candidates not updated for some material receipts

    Introducing a view to assist support troubleshooting.


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