Release 4.43.42

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes (Englisch)


metasfresh 4.43.41 include new features about reporting and new metasfresh WebU as listed in the list of Features and Fixes below.

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The 4.43.41 Release includes the following new features.

  • #504 new filter in saldobilanz report

    Added a new filter in saldobilanz report to exclude the year end accountings (profit & loss) from report.

  • #41 Implement Dashboard REST endpoint

    Added a new REST-API endpint for WebUI KPI widgets.


In this Release we fixed a few minor Bugs. Below you can find the list of issues that were solved:

  • #552 division by 0 in costprice report

    Fixed a division by 0 Bug in costprice report.

  • #40 Account fields are not working

    Fix in new WebUI Implementation. An exception occured because of Field Type account.


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