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This weeks release shows the whole enthusiasm again, with which our contributors develop one new requirement after the other and tackle bug fixes when passing by. Thanks a lot to all contributors. What an amazing effort again in this release! It’s really fun to see things moving and evolving so fast.
What an amazing speed again.
Thanks to all Contributors!
metasfresh 5.27 is out!
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We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.
Inventory Move Window improvements
Improvements done to the Inventory Movement Window. #2089
User would like to import default values for contact and address
Providing a possibility to import default Roles for User and Locations in Business Partner. #2218
Support quantity in flatrate term import
Adding the field quantity to the importer of flatrate terms. #2245
Extend Partner Import with ad_language
Now possible to add the language to Business Partner import data. #2247
Use default values for IsShipTo and isBillTo when importing bpartner
Fallback mechanism to set default billto and shipto locations in Business Partner. #2436
Shipto and billto contact / user
New Fields in Business Partner Contact: shipto and billto. #2459
Introduce source-HU to fine-Picking
New functionality for a more efficient Picking workflow. Now able to select a source HU that is used for the following picking steps. #2289
Invoice Candidates Action Approval for Invoicing
New action in Invoice candidates, allowing to mass approve candidates for Invoiceing. #2361
Detailed Improvement of Flatrate Term window in WebUI
New Window for contracts in WebUI, making the contract management easier and more transparent. #2381
New Window for M_PickingSlot_Trx in WebUI
New Window in WebUI allowing to View Picking Slot Transations and involved Handling Units. #2386
Import and Store Contract meta-data e.g. startdate on flatrate
Now possible to store different contracts metadata via import. #2397
New Window for C_Invoice_Clearing_Alloc in WebUI
New window for Invoice Allocation as substitute for 3rd Level Subtab in old Contract Window. #2405
New Window for C_SubscriptionProgress in WebUI
New window for Subscription Progress/ History as substitute for 3rd Level Subtab in old Contract Window. #2406
Contract Date and Contract DocumentNo
New Fields in contract Window: Document No and Date, allowing a better recognition of the contract creation. #2408
Make request status a search field in request window
Adding a new Filter to request window, allowing to search for data with a given request status. #2413
New Window for M_QualityInsp_LagerKonf_Version in WebUI
New Windows for yearly Swiss Storage Conference, allowing the user to define the Storage Conference Criteria. #2416
New Fields MasterStartDate and MasterEndDate in FlatRate Term
New Fields for Mastercontract Start and End Date added to the Flatrate Term Window in WebUI. #2421
Adjustments to the Request for Quotation Window, Refining Layout and adding Translations for en_US, de_DE locale/ Language. #2426
Hide qty TU when HU name is empty
Now hiding the QtyTU Field in different Jasper reports in case the Handling Unit name is empty. #2429
Product Filter in Handling Unit Editor
New Filter in Handling Unit Editor, allowing to search for entries with a given product. #2431
Make field ad_user_incharge_id from C_Flatrate_Term optional
Adjusting the Field inCharge in Flatrate Term, now making it optional. #2434
New Window for GL Journal Category in WebUI
New Window for GL Category in WebUI Finance/ Settings. #2442
Adjust the window Product for Procurement Contracts
Adjustments to the WebUI Window for Product for Procurement Contracts maintenance. Translations added for de_DE and en_US. #2449
Add missing Reports to WebUI menu
New reports in WebUI Menu for Purchase and Sales Tracing and for Finance (Cost Center ajdustments). #2453
Window for C_Postal in WebUI
New Window Country, City and Postal for WebUI. Added to WebUI menu in System/ Settings. Allowing to the User to maintain Postal-City combinations and use them for fast Location recording. #2459
Translation for Packvorschrift-Produkt-Zuordnung in English version
New en_US Translation for the Field Packing Instruction. Making the Name shorter and more comprehensive for the user. #2450
Extend Partner Import to support contact flags
Extended Partner import, allowing to also import contact Y/N settings. #2463
Provide v11 / CAMT 54 File Import
New importer for ESR v11/ camt54 files in WebUI. #142
Have Letter Feature in Sales Order Window
New Letter Feature in WebUI allowing the user to oppen a text editor and create Letters with then help of Textsnippets. #178
Provide mass export of Data to Excel
Very nice new, Feature allowing the user to select lines and export to excel. #547
API to provide user session's locale
Internal housekeeping issue allowing the locale of a user to be stored in session. #581
Provide the document's standard actions
New Feature to restrict actions in the action menu. Now only showing those that fit to the window opened. #583
Lookup validation rule shall support @CtxName/Default@ annotation
Internal Housekeeping Issue in Applicaiton Dictionary, now allowing to use @notations in Validation rules in WebUI too. #585
Locale viewing and editing in User Interface
The user has not the possibility to switch the user locale. The formatting of numbers are then shown correct for the selected country. #1060
Improvements of continuous integration System when creating local builds. #14
We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.
Can't save purchase order
Fix for the Vendor Return Feature, now also working with voided Returns and quality discount properly. #2401
OrderCheckout Jaspers display empty C_BPartner_Product.ProductName
Fix for the Jasper Report of Order Checkout, now showing the properly again. #2412
Fix jaspers for vendor return with quality issue
Fixes in the Vendor Returns Jasper document when having cases with quality issues. #2423
Invoice candidate close is retrieving the invoice candidates out of transaction
Internal Housekeeping fix for invoice candidates close workflow. #2430
Duplicate locations on partner import when multiple contacts
Fix for the Business Partner Location Importer, now not generating multiple entries when multiple user contacts exist to a Partner. #2457
Clicking print on non-document window shows error page
Adjustment of Action Menu API, now only showing the actions that are possible in a given Window. #570
Cannot invoice disposal's invoice candidates
Fix for the disposal invoicing process. #582
LU is not created when you receive in production
Action Receipt Handling Unit retrieval. Fix when creating Logistic Units in manufacturing. #594
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