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We made another great step forward in this week. The new retraceability window and filterind was finanlized and found its way into this release. Further on we create a new Feature in Sales Order to allow the user to group Orderlines and create compansation group lines for then. Last but not least we have added the keyboard usage for the new Labels widget and proceeded quickly with the translation of reports and windows to en_US Language/ Locale.
What a great effort again. Thanks Contributors!
metasfresh 5.32 is out now, well done!
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We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.
Picking from Handling Unit Editor (WebUI)
New Functionality that allows a flexible Picking from Handling Unit Editor. #472
Window Design WebUI : Order Candidates Improvements
Improved Translations for de_DE and en_US and Layout adapted to current Design Guidelines. #2283
Customer Invoices and Invoice Candidates adjustments
Improved Translations for en_US, de_DE and Layout in Invoice Candidates Window and Customer Invoice. #2311
Procurement Candidates generate Purchase Order
New Action in Procurement Candidates window of WebUI, allowing to create Purchase Orders from selected Procurement Candidates. #2379
Concept for entering multiple discounts for order and subscription
New Feature that allows to add Discount Grouping and Discount Rows to Sales Order Lines. These Lines allow the createtion of discounts based on LineNetAmt Aggregations. #2564
Window Design Webui: Improve Businesspartner Dist-Orgs window
Improved Translations for en_US. New Fields added for Subscription progress Subtab. #2653
Webui Window Design: Improvements in window ESR Payment Import
New Field Translations added to ESR Payment Import window. Now having a completed Translation for Window, Fields and Actions for en_US Language. #2725
Set correct identifiers in the table M_ShipmentSchedule v2
Setting a readable and searchable Identifier for Shipment Schedule Records. #2726
Webui Design Window: Add Translations to Business Partner
Improved Translation for en_US Language/ Locale in Window, Fields and Actions. #2728
Window Design Webui: Add missing fields to window Tourversion
New Fields added to Tourversion window in WebUI. Translations for en_US improved. #2729
Window Design Webui: Improvements in window Purchase order
Translation improved in Purchase Order window for Language en_US. #2730
Window Design Webui: Improve window Shipment Restrictions
Improved Translation of en_US Language in Shipment Restrictions Window and Actions. #2731
Window Design Webui : Add description field in sales order line
New Field Description added to Sales Orderline Grid View and Advanced edit in WebUI. #2732
Add context into if exception happens in WorkpackageProcessorTask.processWorkpackage
Internal Housekeeping Feature that improves the analysis of failes Workpackage Processor Tasks. #2739
Picking slot Rack System flag
New Feature that enables the Configration of Picking Slots as Rack System. This enables the possbility to reopen an already closed Handling Unit in Picking Slot or restricting it. #2740
Flatrate Import: Support tax category
Adding Support of Tax Categories in Flatrate Contracts Import process. #2750
Report Translations to en_US: menu reports
Translation of default Jasper Reports to en_US. #2751
Inherit C_Taxcategory_ID and IsTaxIncluded from orderline to FT
Functionality allowing the inheritance of Tax relevant information from Orderline to Flatrate Terms. #2752
Error on HU changing status from shipped to active
Fixes an error in Handling Units when transforming HU from shipped back to active status. #2755
New Window Picking Tray Clearing
New Window for the Picking Tray Clearing, allowing the user to maintain content of Picking Trays, do Handling Unit Compression and Preparation for Shipper Transportation. #2763
Translations added to Parms in Change Password Process. #2768
Model generator: wrong columns are generated
Translations added to Parms in Change Password Process. #2769
Vendor Invoice Layout and Translations in WebUI
Improved Window Vendor Invoice Layout to adapt current Design Guidelines and Translations for en_US added. #2774
Window Design Webui: Please, add translations to the window Contract Term
Improved Layout for Window Contract Terms, adapting current Guidelist. New Translation added for en_US Language/ Locale. #2724
Window Design Webui : Material receipt
Layout adapted to current WebUI Design Guidelines. Improved Translation for en_US, de_DE Language/ Locale. #2764
HU-Trace: show all connected records
Improvement of Handling Unit Trace Functionality, now showing all connected records for a given Filter Criteria. #632
Move Picking Tray Clearing Functionality to new window
New Window for the Picking Tray Clearing Functionality. #637
Prepare Update to React 16
Preparation Work for the Update to React 16. #1092
Labels widget: keyboard support
Adding Support for the new Labels widget Lookup. #1232
Included view: blurWhenOpen support
New Functionality allowing to switch the blur effect on included views in Main Grid View. #1249
We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.
NPE on zoom into header aggregation
Bugfix in Zoom To Function when jumping to Header Aggregation. #2240
Tax is not set properly when creating ICs from flatrate term
Fix for the Invoice Candidate generation from Flatrate Terms. Now the Tax is set properly. #2727
Problem with picking for subscription deliveries
Improvement of the Picking workflow when picking subscription shipments. #2794
WebUI Scheduler Window Log Subtab: Invalid Client ID=0
Internal Housekeeping, fix in Schedule Window Log included Tab. #625
Can't save a new partner
Fixes a Bug that prevented to create and save new Business Partners in WebUI. #639
Fix for WebUI Windows. Her Handling Unit Editor. Now the Window Scrollbar is shown after the usage of Internal Usage Action. #1223
The Letter window dissapears after Print Preview
Fix for the Letter Window. now still visible after choosing Print Preview. #1227
Included views are not working in non-modal windows
Fixes the Included Views Functionality in WebUI. Now it’s also possible to use them in non-modal windows. #1239
Included view: wrong selectedIds when calling quickActions
Fix in Included View. Now retrieving the correct Record/ Row ID’s when calling Quick Actions. #1248
Sitemap broken
Fix for the Sitemap creation. #1268
Open ANY included view broken
Fixes the Included Views after issues occured for React 16 Refactoring. #1271
Scrolling in Modal window throws errors
Fixes the errors that occured when scrolling in Modal Overlays. #1275
Shortcuts for New, Batch and Expand are broken
Fixes the shortcuts for different shortcut keys. #1278
Translations of Photo Widget in User WIndow
Fixing the Translation of the Photo Widget Buttons in User Window. #1278
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