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This weeks Release Notes contain the issues of Release 5.88 and 5.89. One of the great Features that is developed at the moment is the customer product proposal list, which allows the sales user to quickly see all the customer relevant products conditions and further information in a fast way. The proposal list can be also used as a quick batch entry view, that allows to create Sales Orderlines during a phonecall with the customer in a fast and efficient way. This feature will be further developed in the next weeks.
Thanks Contributors, our metasfresh Release 5.89 is out now.
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Features & Fixes
We have finished the following list of Features and Fixes for this week’s Release
Restrict DocumentCollection cache size
Sales/Purchase order: customer proposal products list
Limit number of products shown in material cockpit
BPartner Product statistics: LastShipmentDate, LastReceiptDate
Add inactive product fields for hu tracing and label printing
New Window Tab: callout to automatically set AD_Element_ID, Name, InternalName when a table is selected
Account Schema window: don't allow creating new accounting schemas
Different improvements around MSV3 server synchronization
Quickactions in Invoice Candidates Window
Create purchase orders: if the vendor is using a gateway then always order directly
Make C_PurchaseCandidate.IsAggregatePO a searchable column
Errors in Tax Codes Report
Process BPartnerOrgLink doesn't set AD_OrgInfo.OrgBP_Location_ID
AD_Val_Rule ESR_Import_AD_AttachmentEntry is broken
Various fixes to import processes
Durchschnittspreise SQL ergibt Fehlerhafte Daten (Preis Abw. nicht berücksichtigt)
Inventory related fixes
Product: The Temperature Field is too short
Fix process parameter translations
Fix webui window update from remote editing
Cache invalidation failing - null childLinkColumnName
Tables not fully displayed in windows causing filters and actions not being displayed properly
Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! Then check out our fast evolving Documentation. You can find it here: