Release 5.162

Kay KostelnikBlog, Release Notes (Englisch)

metasfresh ERP Release 5.162 - Black bear (Ursus americanus)

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We know what you’re thinking, „Did they make 50 or only 49 thousand commits on GitHub?“ Well to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, we kind of lost track ourselves. But being that this is metasfresh ERP, one of the most active open source projects in the world, it blew our mind to see that we’d already passed the 50k marker recently what made us ask ourselves one question, „Do we feel lucky?“ Well, the fact is, yes we do! Over 50’000 commits, that’s a lot of work that has gone into metasfresh and we’re far from running out of ideas of how to advance our ERP system even further and make life easier for even more people in need of enterprise resource planning software for their businesses, be they big or small. No one should have to fall behind in today’s world just because they can’t — or simply won’t — pay overpriced license fees with no guarantee of getting exactly what they bargained for in return. We won’t stand for it!

That’s why every week, like this one, we strive to publish another update for everyone to get their hands on — no strings attached! So feel free to scroll down and browse through the contents of yet another one of our feature-filled releases, adding new functionalites and bugfixes to metasfresh ERP free of charge. Update your system to the latest version today and lie back while we work on the next batch of commits for metasfresh ERP. 100k, here we come!

Thanks to all Contributors. Our metasfresh Release 5.162 is ready and out!

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Features & Fixes

We have finished the following list of Features and Fixes for this week’s Release:


Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP? Then check out our fast evolving documentation! You can find it right here: