Release 5.172

Kay KostelnikBlog, Release Notes (Englisch)

metasfresh ERP Release 5.172 - Okapi (Okapia johnstoni)

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Have you felt lately like the world has started playing catch-up with time in the attempt to make up for all the missed opportunities and bottled-up desires caused by the now seemingly historical and obsolete lockdown series that forced us to idle away in a stop-and-go manner hoping for normality to return rather sooner than later?

Now that we appear to have come through the pandemic with an optimistic outlook on the months to come, do you feel a tad overwhelmed by the adjusted ways of life and business resulting from the „new normal“?

Are you struggling to stay ahead or at least keep up with what could only be described as a rat race to becoming the best digital survivor of the crisis?

Well, worry no longer and look no further because you’ve reached metasfresh ERP, the overall digital business solution which opens up every conceivable opportunity for your business to thrive and prosper during the age of digital transformation and beyond.

And if it really is a race, you are winning. Because theoretically you have been racing for about forty seconds reading this post and so far you’re winning because you are nearest to the door of solutions that help you strike the gold you have been prospecting for. And if you’re wondering about any rules, let us tell you, there’s only one rule. Are you ready? Here it is: There are no rules. So begin, commence, start moving and get your own metasfresh ERP instance today.
You’re already using metasfresh ERP to optimally run your business? Perfect! Then please feel free to check out the list below and browse through all the new features and fixes included in this week’s release package. And then — on your mark, get set and go for the latest version update for your own personal metasfresh ERP system. That’s it. Go!

Thanks to all Contributors. Our metasfresh Release 5.172 is ready and out!

Would you like to join us? We’re happy to welcome you to our community. Come visit us in our Community Forum for discussions and exchange of new insights. We look forward to meeting you!

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Features & Fixes

We have finished the following list of Features and Fixes for this week’s Release:


Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP? Then check out our fast evolving documentation! You can find it right here:

About the Author

Kay Kostelnik


Technical Writer and Documentation Editor at metas GmbH.

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