Release – 4.21.20

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes


metasfresh 4.21.20 includes a number of minor fixes and improvements. You can get more information about the different topics listen below.

If you would like to grab the source code? You can find it here
Or would you rather download and install metasfresh for usage or testing purpose? You may download the binary version directly here. If you need help, don’t hesitate to chat with us. We are looking forward to meet you.


The 4.21.20 Release includes a few minor enhancements. Find more details which those are:

  • FRESH-349 KPI: Printing Performance

    First step in creating queries for printing performance analysis. In near future these queries will be part of an administrator Dashboard and show average Printing performance for different documenttypes.

  • FRESH-344 Move KPI SQL to repository and new DB Schema

    Moving all prepared KPI Queries to an own Database Schema called de_metas_fresh_kpi.

  • FRESH-347: Relation type between PMM_Purchase_Candidate and C_Order

    Create an AD_relationType between PMM_PurchaseCandidate and C_Order.

  • FRESH-352 Colored Bar

    Extending WindowHeaderNotice to also allow setting the notice’s foreground and background color. Requirement to be able to create a different color Bar in metasfresh, so visually seperate Logins from different Organizations.

  • FRESH-342 Shipments not created

    Made the shipment schedule enqueuer’s doings more transparent to the user. Also added a house keeping tasks to reenqueue stale shipment schedules.


The metasfresh Release 4.21.20 includes minor Bugfixes. Take a look here if you would like to know which issues were solved.

  • FRESH-374 duplicates asi in purchase inout print preview

    Fixed a minor issue in Jasper Layout for meterial receipt document.

  • FRESH-363 Client metasfresh not getting results from server due to cxf bug

    Implemented a Workaround. Never log incoming payload with JMS transport until open external issue is solved (Link to issue).

  • FRESH-358 Producer Invoice: Jasper Document shows Recapitulation for technical Tax

    Fixed a wrong display of special Tax for Urproduzenten in Switzerland.

  • FRESH-360 EDI files occasianally still have wrong encoding

    Fixed occasionally apperaring wrong encoding in EDI communication.

  • FRESH-356 make logo work for any org

    Possibility to show the Logo on Jasper Documents. The Logo is taken from Organisation or Businesspartner joined to Org-ID.

  • FRESH-351 Error when sales order is automatically created as counter doc from a purchase order with packagings

    Solving an issues which appeared in usage of counter documents, because of not matching packagings in each Organisation.

  • FRESH-348 purchase orders created with wrong IsTaxIncluded value

    Ensuring that whenever the price list changes in an order, IsTaxInCluded, M_PricingSystem_ID and C_Currency are updated.


With Release 4.21.20 we started a Documentation Project at metasfresh. The Project has the aim to create a detailed documentation for metasfresh to allow new and experienced users to understand how stuff works.
Would like like to participate in our Open Source Community. Come in, your welcome!

  • GROWTH-65 Community and Legal Files

    Added, and modified The Contributing Guidelines.