Release – 4.15.14

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes


metasfresh 4.15.14 is a minor release that includes a number of new features and bug fixes, as listed in the list of Features and Fixes below.

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The 4.15.14 Release includes minor enhancements. Below is a list of the new Features:

  • FRESH-245 filter columns in procurement for year as well

    Possibility to hide also the columns filtered by year in Excel Reporting. Here especially done for Procurement contract report.

  • FRESH-152 Extract statistics fields from C_BPartner and put them to a new table called C_BPartner_Stats

    Moving the Business Partner Status out of C_BPartner Data structure into C_BPartner_Stats.

  • FRESH-252 New Field datePromissed in Invoice Candidates Window

    User Requirement for selecting Service Data to be invoiced via Invoice Candidates Window. Now the User has the possibility to also filter rows which are not triggered by an Inout Document.

  • FRESH-206 metasfresh server informs the procurement webui server about what supplies were synchronized

    When data is received by metasfresh, it now asynchronously sends back a confirmation to the procurement UI. This way it is possible to monitor the procurement webUI for supply reports that were not yet received by the metasfresh system , e.g. due to internet problems.

  • FRESH-187 Filter date-from and date-to in procurement excel

    Fixing a problem that the library-version we use only supports a hardcoded 50 columns.

  • FRESH-218 Create archives in partner's language

    Adding language info to archive records, so when mailing the PDF, the system can choose a mail template in the correct language


The 4.15.14 Release includes different minor Bugfixes. Below is a list of the issues we solved:

  • FRESH-234 report sales inout qtys for products and TUs are not alligned

    Minor Layout change for customer individual Inout Documents (Alignment of identical Column headers on same Page).

  • FRESH-249 hubalance general report missing TU when no carry

    Small fix in Handling Unit Balance Report.

  • FRESH-235: User to Role assignment not working with some postgres versions

    Fix of sql alias Issue. Recognized in User to Role Assignment.

  • FRESH-191 Procurement Excel: Although received no qties does not show

    Fixed Issue. The quantities were not shown correctly in Procurement contract Excel Report.

  • FRESH-220 Autocomplete does not work

    Fixing the Issue with autocomplete not working whan the underlying table has translated columns.

  • FRESH-210 Org Name in Setup Wizard

    Using the SetupWizard, the Org name was not updated correctly.

  • FRESH-213 Process panel's Back button not working

    Fixing an Issue with the back Button in Process Panel.

  • FRESH-222 QtyDelivered not updated for PMM_Balance

    Small fix in Handling Unit Balance Report.