Release 4.48.47

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes

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Our metasfresh Release 4.48.47 includes a few new features for the classic Swing Client and for the new metasfresh web Client.
Further on we fixed a few minor issues that were reported in the last weeks.

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This release includes the following new Features .

  • #677 make customs report faster

    Significant improvement of the customs report performance.

  • #541 Remove PiPo from metasfresh removing code and data

    Remove the legacy code from Pack-In and Pack-out from metasfresh. The underlying concept is flawed and does not scale.

  • #625 Shipment Schedule Window WebUI

    Add initial Layout configuration of Shipment Schedule window in metasfresh WebUI.

  • #687 webUI bundle

    Add different Layout changes in a fair amount of windows for Web User Interface.


The current release includes the following minor Bugfixes.

  • #679 Bug in ClientUpdateValidator

    Fix a Bug in ClientUpdateValidator that avoided starting the client via eclipse for local-build.

  • #721 Wrong error message displayed when user enters wrong password on login

    Fix for Bug when entering wrong password in Login. Said „locked“ but was just wrong credentials/ password.


Are you looking for detailed information about how things work in metasfresh ERP? Take a look at our fast evolving Documentation you can find it here:

„Thank you!“ to all contributors!

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About the Author

Mark Krake


Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.

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