Release 5.28

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes

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Another great week of development is now past, and the new Features that were delivered are amazing. Starting with the Back-End development of a new Lookup Type to allow the configuration of Labels in WebUI Main Views (the Front-End part will be available soon). Further another great Feature that allows the selection of Lines in WebUI and export them in Excel Format, which is a long demanded Feature from our WebUI Users.

Thanks all for your effort!
metasfresh 5.28 is now out!

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We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.

  • Improve text Variable Window in WebUI

    Improving the Textvariable and Textsnippets window in WebUI, adapting out current webui design guidelines and adding Translations for de_DE, en_US. #2090

  • Implement Generic Multi Tags / labels for records

    New Lookup Functionality allowing to define Subtab Data as Label Container in a Main View Section. #2146

  • Window Design WebUI : Sales Order Improvements

    Adapting the Sales Order Window to current design guidelines. Adding primary Layout for Included Tabs and rearranging the Grid View Sequence. #2222

  • Window Design WebUI : Attributes Improvements

    Layout adaption to the Attributes Window in WebUI. Minor Improvements. #2284

  • Window Design WebUI : Discount Schema Improvements

    Layout adaption to the Discount Schema Window in WebUI. Minor Improvements. #2286

  • Window Design WebUI : Product Category Improvements

    Layout adaption to the Discount Schema Window in WebUI. Primary Key added. Improvements in Subtab Layout and Grid View. #2288

  • Support version 02 CAMT54 file

    Upgrades the CAMT54 Sepa Import to the new Version 02. #2344

  • Detail Improvements to Order Candidates Window

    Improvement of Order Candidates Window, allowing the user to manipulate the data directly in Main View. #2376

  • Drop C_Flatrate_Conditions.IsNewTermCreatesOrder together with java code

    Housekeeping in Subscripts. Eliminating deprecated functionalities in Code and Application Dictionary. #2395

  • Material Tracking adjustments in WebUI

    Adjustments to the Material Tracking Window. Adding further Filter possibilities. #2440

  • Subscription Import Window Adjustments

    Adds further Improvements to the new Subscription Import Window. #2477

  • Check Filter Sequence for Default Fields Organisation and Warehouse

    Globally moving the Filter for Organisation to the end of each filter list. #2478

  • Allow disabling of model interceptors on the fly

    New technological Improvements that allows to manipulate model interceptors without restarting the instance. #2482

  • New Dist-Orgs Businesspartner Window in WebUI

    New Window in WebUI menu, adapting the requirements of dis-orgs to the Businesspartner window. #2483

  • Allow using partner product numbers and name for entering order line

    New Functionality for Orderline Batch entry, now allowing to also search for customer Product Numbers in Batch entry. #2484

  • Window Design WebUI: Returns Improvements

    Detail Improvements added to the Customer and Vendor Returns window in WebUI. Adapting metasfresh WebUI design Guidelines. #2498

  • Import Requests

    New Functionality the allows the import of Requests. #2498

  • Allow multiple shipment schedules per orderline

    Improvement to the Shipment Schedule Generation and Handling. Now allowing to have more than 1 shipment schedule line for an orderline. This allows a much more flexible handling of Shipping Candidates in Subscriptions. #2502

  • Window Design WebUI : Translate Picking Slot Window name in en

    Translating the Picking Tray Window and Picking to en_US. #2509

  • Prevent users from creating duplicate main prices

    New Feature that disallows the user to create more than 1 main price. #2510

  • Improvements of the data improter, now allowing the import of multiline content.

    New Feature that disallows the user to create more than 1 main price. #2514

  • Add Rüstliste Report to WebUI

    New Picking Preview Report now available in shipping reports section of WebUI Menu. #2516

  • Import System users

    Extension of the user import, adding the possibility to mark users as system users. #2529

  • Adjust Contract Period Window in WebUI for Subscriptions

    Improvements for the Contract Period Window in WebUI. Adding Translations for en_US Language/ Locale. #2529

  • Remove legacy LDAP code

    Housekeeping task, removing deprecated legace code of LDAP functionality. #2538

  • Allow filtering by product group in window product

    Adds a new default Filter to the Product Window, now possible to filter by Product Category. #2541

  • Implement batch entry for Sales/Purchase Invoice documents

    New Feature in Sales and Purchase Invoices, now allowing to use the Batch Entry there too. #576

  • Filter by warehouse when selecting HUs to issue

    Adds a new default Filter to the Handling Unit Window, allowing users to search for Handling Units only in the selected warehouse. #591

  • Handle incorrect AD_Window_ID in URL

    Handling the case when a incorrect Window ID is added to the URL in WebUI. #603

  • AD_Column.IsMandatory shall be overwritten by MandatoryLogic

    Improved Feature that allows the overwrite isMandatory with Mandatory Logic in Application Dictionary. #607

  • Edit Fields in Main Grid View

    New Functionality that allows to switch into edit mode in Main Grid Views. This Feature was wanted by a lot of users to quickly maintain data changes in long lists, e.g. Product Prices. #1167

  • Grid values are cut off if column size is too small

    Showing tooltips in Table Grid Cells. Allowing to hover over a field and whoing the complete content in Tooltip. Very helpful for content that does not fit fully ionto a displayed Grid Field. #1192

  • Use API to fetch the locale

    Now fetching the User Locale via API call. #1194

  • Render only provided document standard actions

    New Functionality in WebUI frontend, now only showing entries in Action Menu that fit to the opened window. #1195

  • Frontend: Letters feature

    New Letter functionality in WebUI, allowing to write letters via action Menu entry. #1196

  • Frontend: export view to excel

    New Functionality that allows to select Record lines and export them directly into an Excel File. #1197


We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.

  • Typo in German Translation of Contract Terms menu Entry

    Fixing the Translation of Contract Window for Language/ Locale de_DE in WebUI Menu. #2503

  • Remove Clone action if not supported

    Now only showing the Close Action when supported on the selected Record/ Record Type. #593

  • CU Quantity in Excel Export from HU Editor is wrong

    Fix for the new Excel Export when used in Handling Unit Editor. Now exporting the correct Customer Unit Quantity. #608

  • Cloning Feature: Error when cloning BOM

    Fix of the Record Close action, now allowing to clone BOMs too. #588

  • Issues HUs are still selectable in HU editor while production is not completed

    Fix for the Action Issue and Handling Unit editor in Manufacturing workflow. #590

  • Fields Org and Client are not filtered by users permissions

    Fix for the permissions for Filter of organisation and Client in WebUI. #536


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About the Author

Mark Krake


Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.

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