Release 5.42

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes

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In this week’s release we focused our development on detailed improvements and fixes but also on new Features in Picking and Logistics.

Thanks to all contributors for your participation.

Contributors, you are great. Thanks a lot to all. metasfresh 5.42 is out now!

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We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.

  • Automatic Picking

    New Feature that allows to define Products in Planning Data, that shall be automatically picked after action receipt in manufacturing. #3299

  • Payment Discount on Orderline, Invoice Candidate

    Adding a Payment Discount overwrite to Orderlines and Invoicecandidates. With this feature one can add Payment Discounts as additional Discount Schema entry. #3302

  • Webui Window Design: Improve window Report & Process

    New Window in WebUI for Process & Reports maintenance. #3317

  • Webui Window Design: Improve window Reference

    New Window in WebUI for Reference maintenance. #3318

  • Webui Window Design: Improve window Message

    Improvement of the WebUI message window. #3319

  • Webui Window Design: Improve window Validation Rule

    New Window for the maintenance of Validation Rules in metasfresh. This window can be used by System Admins. #3330

  • Harmonize description field length between doctype and c_order / c_invoice

    Improvement of description fields in doctype. Now the fields in Order and Invoice doctype have the same field length. #3338

  • Remove rebel-remote.xml files

    Internal Housekeeping improvement. Removing remote rebel files. #3346

  • Drop M_Product_Costing

    Dropping the legacy Costing Functionality, making place for the new Costing Engine to come. #3347

  • Add BPartner to User Window

    New Field in Window User, allowing to see and maintain the Business Partner. #3349

  • User Window unlock Account Action

    Adding new Action in User Window in WebUI allowing to unlock the User Account. #3359

  • Precision Layout in Price of Orderlines

    New Precision Functionality in WebUI, now allowing to record and display more that 2 digits in precision. #766

  • EMail Attachment Name in WebUI

    Improvement of the eMail Attachment Name in WebUI eMail editor, now showing the Documenttype and Documentno as combined attachment Name. #772

  • Act gracefully on old/invalid AD_UserQuery

    Improvement of the User Query Handling. Now allowing the WebUI to ract on old/ incompatible Queries instead of failing. #785

  • Allow Filtering of Label-Type-Fields in WebUI

    New Functionality that allows to add Label Type Fields in WebUI as Filter criteria. #788

  • Internal Housekeeping improvement. Now providing the loadDuration of Document References in WebUI. #793

  • Provide actions evaluateDuration

    Internal Housekeeping improvement. Now providing the evaluateDuration of Actions in WebUI. #794

  • Calendar icon covers date field

    Refining the look and feel of the calendar icon behavior in WebUI grid views. #1428

  • Missing PropTypes Validation for noLabel isOpenDatePicker

    Internal Housekeeping Issue. Adding PropType Validation for isOpenDatePicker. #1502

  • Harmonize details calendar widget with daterange widget in Filter

    Improving the Layout of Date Picker, harmonizing with the look and feel of Date Range Widget. #1509


We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.

  • Creating new product in new database causes error

    Fixes the sequence for M_Product Values on new Database seeds. #1196

  • Dunning run: Exception on PDF generation

    Fixes the Dunning Run Action. Now the automatic PDF Generation works smoothly again. #3196

  • Fixes a doubled Field for Doctype in the payment window. #3339

  • Error creating movement from DDOrder

    Fixes an Error that prevented the creation of movements from Distribution Orders. #3350

  • Destroyed HUs are still visible in material receipt

    Destroyed HU are not shown in Handling Unit Editor anymore during the Material Receipt workflow. #775

  • Date and time filter: truncate to Day when filtering

    Improvement of the Filter with Field format DateTime, now Truncating to Date when filtering. #777

  • HU editor view gets empty after splitting out one TU

    Now showing the newly split Transportation Unit in Handling Unit Editor after transform. #781

  • Follow up destroyed HUs are still visible in material receipt

    Hinding destroyed Handling Units in Material Receipt. #786

  • Deadlocks occurring around material cockpit

    Fixes some deadlocks that occurred through Material Cockpit logic. #787

  • Error on filter with +/- buttons

    Fixes an error that occurred when using the new DateSwitcher Widget. #796

  • Picking window broken

    Fixes the Picking Terminal Picking Slot View. Now showing the proper information about the Picking Slot Content and Businesspartner reservation. #1447

  • Picking Tray Clearing window: fix: Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop type

    Fixes the props validation in Picking Tray Clearing Window. #1494

  • Fixes a Bug that occurred in window Picking Tray Clearing when adding an HU to a Transportation Order. #1495

  • Frontend subscriptions to api's view topic get out of hand

    Reducing the subscription amount per view, allowing to reduce the websocket connections „overload“ on server side. #1498

  • Scrollbar in Filter when hovering apply Button

    Improvement of the Tooltip Layout for Apply Button in Filter Selection Dropdowns. #1508

  • Discard changes in modal window

    Fixes the discard of incomplete rows because of not filled mandatory fields. #1517


Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! Then check out our fast evolving Documentation. You can find it here:

About the Author

Mark Krake


Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.

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