Release 5.57

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes

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This week was logistics and marketing week in metasfresh development. A new Logistics Provider „Der Kurier“ was integrated. Now it’s possible to switch Logistic Providers for shipments even in the last moment in Picking Window.
Further the Integration of CleverReach was finished. Its now possible to do eMail Marketing Campaigns in metasfresh via the CleverReach Service.

Amazing people, thanks to all for your effort!
metasfresh 5.57 is out!

Come in an join us! If you have fun solving complex business cases in a team but also on leading edge web technologies, then you are welcome. Meet us in our forum or in our Gitter Chat.
We are looking forward to meet you!


We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.

  • Improved Inventory Feature, only allowing active and issued Handling Units in Inventory Lines. #3754

  • Allow annotating data as personal

    New Feature for GDPR Compliance that allows to annotate data as personal Data via Application Dictionary. #3975

  • New Feature creating a check digit for the new Logistics Provider Implementation of „Der Kurier“ #3991

  • Eliminate the ampersand from all AD_Messages

    Improvement for Messaged, eliminating all Ampersand characters. #3993

  • New Window for a new Logistics Partner Order window of „Der Kurier“. #4003

  • WebUI: Adjust new Window Discount Schema Pharma

    Improved Window for Discount Schema Pharma. #4004

  • CleverReach Interface generic marketing datamodel

    New Implemetation of the CleverReach marketing data model. #4029

  • Add CustomerCode and CollectorCode to Der Kurier

    Additional Implemantation for the new Logistics Provider „Der Kurier“ #4034

  • Display field changes warnings

    New Field notification feature. This allow to add user notifications to fields about infos or error messages. #1613

  • Material Cockpit Filter Name + switch date = invalid date

    Improvement of the Filtering and Navigation in Material Cockpit. #1624

  • Fix and improvement around picking/shipping

    Improves the Picking Slot locators for compression workflow. #1624


We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.

  • Lot No Action error when running multiple times

    Fixes the Lot No Action, now allowing to run the Action multiple times without errors. #4013

  • Eventlog data needs to be stored out-of-trx

    Internal Housekeeping improvement, now storing eventlog data out of transaction. #4020

  • Fixes a Bug about blocked workpackages in workpackage processing for shipment schedule entries. #4027

  • Notifications in Swing Client show no info

    Fixes the Notification feature in Swing Client, now showing detailed information body again. #3980

  • Pricing Conditions error when save

    Fixes an error mit null value in pricing conditions seqno. Now allowing to save the pricing conditions again. #4016

  • Multiple shipment lines for one order line all have the order line's TU-Qty

    Fix for the Transporation Unit Quantity in shipment lines, for multiple shipment lines for one orderline. #4028

  • HU Editor: selection jumps from your line to first line

    Improved behavior of seletion lines in Handling Unit Editor when changing referenced data. Now the selection is not jumping away anymore. #1751

  • Modal view: editing lookups not working

    Fixes the usage of Lookup widgets in modal Overlays. Now accessing the correct endpoints. #1765

  • Search fields in filters are not working

    Fixes a Bug in Lookup Filters. #1784


Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! Then check out our fast evolving Documentation. You can find it here:

About the Author

Mark Krake


Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.

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