Release 5.49

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes

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Another week of development that brings a bunch of new features and improvements to metasfresh. The highlights are the new Camera Barcode Reader, the new Inventory Functionality that can now be used with our Handling unit management and the new Composed Primary Keys Feature that allows a lot of new Reference Windows in WebUI for translations.
Thanks to all contributors for your participation.

metasfresh 5.49 is out now! Thanks a lot to all contributors, you are awesome.

Would you like to join us? You are welcome. Meet us in our forum or in our Gitter Chat. We are looking forward to meet you!


We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.

  • Drop AD_Field.IsCentrallyMaintained database column

    Internal Housekeeping Issue, taking care of legacy column „isCentrallyMaintained“. #3240

  • Implement sales order candidates REST API

    New REST-API for order candidates. This is part of the new Pharma Availability Check and Ordering Service. #3584

  • Introduce specific subtypes for Physical Inventory and for Internal Use Inventory

    Additional Document Subtypes for Physical Inventory and Internal usage. #3658

  • Refactor/adapt Inventory Disposal

    Improvement of the Inventory disposal functionality. Adapting to new Inventory Control. #3659

  • Create all periods of a contract on creation

    Improving the contract creation, now creating all periods at the moment of contract generation. #3669

  • Port Printing REST endpoint from SMX to metasfresh

    Ports the REST Endpoint for Printing from ServiceMix to metasfresh. #3688

  • Inventory Window show Handling Unit Field in Inventorylines

    Adds the Handling Unit into Inventopylines allowing to use Inventory with our Handling Usage Management. #3705

  • Terminating a Contract that was extended ahead of schedule leaves stumb

    Improvement of the contract Termination action. #3706

  • New Composed Primary Keys

    Allows now to use composed primary keys in WebUI. #894

  • Automatic printing HU Labels in WebUI

    New Feature to automatically print TU Labels for Picking in WebUI. #895

  • Provide media size info for columns

    Enhances the UI Element Configuration in Application Dictionary. It’s now possible to define media size dependant behavior for the Web User Interface. #901

  • 2nd orderline for product missing in picking terminal

    Now shows the 2nd Orderline in Picking Terminal again. #910

  • Camera barcode reader for Tablet/ mobile device

    New Barcode Reader that can be used via webcam on mobile devices. #1609

  • Update momentjs in packages.json

    Updateing Moments.js to the newses Version. #1677

  • Tab does not trigger saving number field

    Fixes the patching in number fields. Now also patching when leaving the Fields via Tab Key. #1699

  • Make documentNo readonly in Payments (and other document types)

    Improves the documetNo behavior, making all Fields with Document No read-only. #1860


We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.

  • Null in SSCC label

    Fix for the LotNo on SSCC Labels. If not set, the Lot No now shows an empty string instead of null. #3050

  • Days Due in Open Items report empty when parameter not set

    Fixes the Parm description in Open Items report in WebUI, now showing „Unlimited“ when the Dates Dues Parm is left empty. #3497

  • SSCC18 attribute check digit

    Fixes the check digit of generated SSCC Numbers. #3579

  • Manufacturing Order wrong TU Quantity

    Fixes the Qty of TU in Manufacturing Orders when automatically created after sales order complete (lot-for-lot). #3666

  • Restore swing MRP ProductInfo

    Fixes the old MRP Product Info Window in Java Swing UI. #3690

  • docs_flatrate_term_all_procurements_conditions_report fails if M_Product_ID is left empty

    Fixes the procurements conditions report. Now not failing anymore when the Product ID is left empty. #3694

  • NPE when completing DD_Order

    Fixes a Null Pointer Exception that occurred sometimes when completing a Distribution Order. #3694

  • Jasper: ADR Auswertung report has duplicates

    Removing Duplicate entries in the Swiss fresh produce ADR report. #3701

  • Compensation Group: Sequence of Lines is lost on Clone

    Fixes the sequence of lines in Compensation groups when cloning a sales order document. #3745

  • Hide Receive HUs (default) when there are no HUs

    Hides the default action for Receive HU in cases where there are only CU’s in receipt candidates. #735

  • Lookup Widget drop-down list scroll behavior

    Improves the behavior of drop-down list scroll behavior. #1642

  • Empty option missing in dropdown

    Fixes the empty selected elements in list widgets after selecting entry. #1669

  • Improve User Interface for tablet media size

    Layout adjustments for the usage of webui frontend on tablet media sizes. #1673

  • Scrollbar not shown in order window for subtab order lines

    Fixes the missing horizontal Scrollbar. #1689


Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! Then check out our fast evolving Documentation. You can find it here:

About the Author

Mark Krake


Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.

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