Release 5.59

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes

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This week’s Release has a long awaited Topic included. We’ve build a Marketing Feature and joined it initially with Cleverreach. This allows our users to Configure Cleverreach Marketing Campaigns in metasfresh and use them with selected users from your system.
Thanks to all contributors for your participation.

Thanks all for your effort!
metasfresh 5.59 is now out!

Would you like to join us? You are welcome. Meet us in our forum or in our Gitter Chat. We are looking forward to meet you!


We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.

  • WebUI: Translation Window for Bill of Materials and Formula

    New Translation Window in WebUI for Bill of Materials and Formula. #3263

  • Order/Invoice jasper: always use the Description/DescriptionBottom from document and don't check C_DocType's description

    Improving the Order Jasper Documents for Description bottom information. #3307

  • WebUI Window Design: Improve window Rechnungskandidaten - Handler

    Improved Invoicecandidate Handler Window in WebUI. #3323

  • WebUI: Client window: EMail fields layout

    Improved Client Window in WebUI. Grouping eMail Fields and new Translations for de_DE Language. #3996

  • New Report for Yearly Bonus

    New Report that shows the Invoice Candidates for Yearly Bonus Contracts that can be invoiced. #4000

  • CleverReach Interface

    New Feature that adds Cleverreach eMail Marketing functionalities. #4015

  • Add easy way to add AD_Users to Newsletter marketing campaigns

    New Feature that allows to add Users to the new Newsletter marketing campaign feature. #4031

  • Proforma Invoice via Sales Order workflow

    New Documenttype for Proforma Invoices, implementted as Sales Order Documenttype and added into shipment candidates/ invoice candidates workflow. #4035

  • Sales Order: Show Pricing Conditions in create purchase order action

    Extended modal overlay of create purchase order action, now showing advanced information about vendor pricing conditions. #4036

  • Pharma: extend customer import

    Extended the customer Import functionality. #4042

  • Add delivery times to Der Kurier

    Extended the Implementation of the „Der Kurier“ Logistics provider. Now adding the delivery/ fetching times. #4058

  • Make refund contract doctypes

    New Document Types – Refund Invoice, Refund Credit Memo – for the Yearly Refund Contracts. #4083

  • Create relation from candidate to refund-candidate

    New Document reference added for the relation between regular invoice candidate and refund invoice candidate. #4085

  • Create missing fields for Bonus in WebUI

    New Fields added to Purchase Orderline and Invoice Candidate for Refund Contracts. #4089

  • Create Mandatory Logic in Contract terms

    Improved Window for contract terms, now having a mandatory Logic for fields not needed for Refund Contract Types. #4094

  • User Queries : turn list fields for table and tab into search fields

    Improving Filtering of User Queries in WebUI. #4096

  • Webui: Purchase schedule tab - trl and display

    Improved Purchase Schedule Subtab in WebUI. New Translations added. #4102


We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.

  • Fixes a Bug in Issue Method „Issue only what was received“, now allowing to isse the exactly planned quantity again. #3463

  • AD_User_ID/Bill_User_ID not set in Sales Order when using Quick creation of partner

    Fixes a Bug in Sales Order Contact. Now setting the User and Bill User also when creating a new Business Partner on the Fly. #4078

  • Contact is not set when order is cloned

    Improvement of the Close Feature of Sales Order. The Contact is now also copied. #4079

  • Credit limit with different bill BPartner

    Improvement of the Credit Limit check in Sales Order, now checking agaist the Billto Businesspartner Credit Limit. #4087

  • Date Format in date range picker is not localized

    Fixes the Localization of Dates in Date Range Picker Widget. #1717

  • Modal view editing issues

    Fixes issues in modal view field editing. #1794

  • Material Receipt Candidate: first line is not pre-selected and no action button available when opening HU Editor

    Improvement of the Quickaction handling of preselected first lines when opening a window initially. #1800

  • Error when opening HU Editor window / selecting a HU in picking tray clearing

    Fixes a number format exception in handling Unit Editor window. #1801

  • Multi Line Text fields are displayed infinitely

    Now restricting the length of Multiline Text fields in Data Grids. #1805


Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! Then check out our fast evolving Documentation. You can find it here:

About the Author

Mark Krake


Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.

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