Release 5.75

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes

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Another busy week in metasfresh Development is past. The new Features and Fixes are listed below.

Contributors, thanks all for your effort!
metasfresh 5.5 is out!

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We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.

  • Picked and Non-Picked Quantities Shipment generation

    New action available in Shipment Schedules. Now it’s possible to create shipments that include picked quantities and non-picked quantities as fallback scenario. #4507

  • Sales Order Candidates REST API improvements

    Improvements of the REST API endpoint for Sales Order Candidates. #4549

  • Show Product note as tooltip in order line

    Adding a Toltip functionality for Products in Orderline. #4556

  • Improve BPartner Memo-Import

    Improves the Data Import of Business Partner Memo fields. #4557

  • Show BPartner memo as tooltip in order

    Adding a Toltip functionality for Business Partner in Order Header. #4558

  • Save AdempiereProcessor lastRun/nextRun timestamp out-of-trx

    Internal Housekeeping improvement for ADempiere Processor. #4566

  • Add note field to invoice candidates

    Adding a Tooltip functionality in Invoice Candidates. #4568

  • Allow custom, POReference-based document number

    New Feature that allows a custom document/ sequence number based on Purchase Order Reference. #4575

  • Introduce Warehouse Type

    Improvement of Warehouse configuration. Now it’s possible to define warehouse types and add types to warehouses. #4576

  • Allow custom PDF-creating code to be called via print-format

    New Extension that allows to use custom code for PDF Creation via Print Format. #4587

  • MailWorkpackageProcessor shall mail the AD_Archive's own PDF

    Adjustment of the Mail Workpackage Processor, now mailing the Archives PDF instead regenerating the PDF from Document. #4593

  • WebUI: Outbound EMail Server (SMTP)

    New Window for the Outbound eMail Server Configuration in WebUI. #4594

  • WebUI: Window EMail Server Routing

    New Window for the eMail Server Routing Configration in WebUI. #4595

  • Provide doc-outbound mail receiver for dunning docs

    Extension of Document Outbound, now also setting a Mail Receiver User for Dunning Documents. #4613

  • Turn C_DunningDoc into a real document

    Transforming the Dunning Documents into real document model of metasfresh. #4615

  • Invoice candidate recompute flag not always removed in webui

    Fixes the behavior of the Invoice Candidate recompute flag for some minor cases. #4623

  • Use user language for messages and errors in Forgot Password feature

    Translation of User Messages during the „Forgot Password Feature“ workflow. #1038


We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.

  • Sometimes missing purchase candidates aren't created

    Fixes a cornercase of missing Purchase Candidates. #4563

  • MSV3 - local purchase order is not created if remote order confirmation lacks deliveryDate

    Fix for the Pharma MSV3 Purchase order creation. #4579

  • Printing problem on multi-org-system

    Configuration Fix for Printing on Multi Org Systems. #4591

  • Number Format Exception

    Fixes a Number Fomat Exception in Webcam Foto Upload of Material Receipt Candidates. #4592

  • Cannot complete flatrate term conditions / transition in swing

    Fixes a Null Pointer Exception in metasfresh Swing Client when completing flatrate term conditions. #4602

  • Sometimes there are no available DocActions for Sales Orders

    Adjusting the retrieval of possible Document Actions, avoiding cornercases that these were sometimes not shown in WebUI Documents. #1046

  • Allow purchase disposition from sales order only for drafted sales orders

    Restricting the usage of purchase disposition from Sales Orders, now only for drafted sales Orders. #1047

  • Filter for attributes in picking terminal is not set on Y altough should be

    Fix for the Handling Unit Panel default filtering in Picking Terminal. #1944


Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! Then check out our fast evolving Documentation. You can find it here:

About the Author

Mark Krake


Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.

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