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For almost a decade, numerous individuals and enterprises have been involved in further developing ADempiere as an open-source ERP solution. The history of ADempiere is closely linked with that of metasfresh. It all began in September 2006 when the ADempiere Bazaar community project was founded as a fork of the Compiere code. From the onset, metas GmbH has been involved in the further development of ADempiere and the expansion of the community. Since its foundation in September 2006, four world and European conferences have been held. Together with other community members, we founded the ADempiere e.V. association with the aim of securing funding and infrastructure resources for the project. ADempiere’s position among the top 10 most successful open-source projects at SourceForge and the high download frequency – already over a million downloads since our foundation – are testimony to our commitment to the community, the project and future progress.
ADempiere distribution
Committed to designing enhanced, tailored agile software solutions for ourselves and our customers, we developed an ADempiere distribution system. By virtue of the loose coupling design of our metasfresh software, we are in a position to run through independent testing stages and faster code change cycles and can thus offer more flexible solutions for our customers. We began with a code status of ADempiere 3.5.4, worked on it and presented our developments to the community project. Some developments were included in the code base, some were modified and integrated, whereas others were not used as the requirements were too specific. Thanks to this method of collaboration, we are on the right track to developing effective solutions for our customers and, at the same time, contributing to the advancement of the community project.
Decisive for the future
ADempiere has a large and robust community consisting of ERP experts from over 50 countries. Since 2006, the members have been involved in developing and establishing important structures within the community. Prior to implementation, new concepts are discussed and analyzed in detail among the community members. All decisions are taken in a team and the weighting of votes is based on the past performance and track record of the relevant team members. To a large extent, all innovations derive from customer requirements and the implementation thereof in enterprises across the world that are involved in the community. This takes shape in various ways: either through orders for tailored solutions involving redesigning or improving features for a single customer or through funding received from several companies for projects involving the development of entirely new features. As an active member of the ADempiere community, we at metas can assure our customers of the sustainability and future viability of their metasfresh systems.
ADempiere will live forever!
Companies may come and go. As long as ADempiere or an ADempiere distribution represents added value for an entity, the ADempiere software and community will continue to have an impact. For us and our customers, this implies true investment security.
Don’t reinvent the wheel, just turn it faster
Developing ERP software from scratch by yourself is rather inefficient. Our goal is to create added value and not spend time developing features that already exist. To achieve this, we develop our software under an open-source license. Merging ideas that have been implemented by others with your own to create new, enhanced features is the key to progress. Today, we have virtually unlimited opportunities for networking. In the ADempiere community, we make the most of these opportunities for intensive know-how exchange and cross-border collaboration and thus contribute to rolling out innovations at a faster pace with a focus on sustainability and meeting future challenges. Victor Perez, a community member from Mexico and maintainer of the MRP II implementation Libero in ADempiere once alluded to Isaac Newton’s famous quote:
… midgets sitting on a giant’s shoulders can see farest than the giant. (… Zwerge auf den Schultern eines Giganten sehen weiter als der Gigant selbst.)Victor Perez, ADempiere co-founder
With our own distribution software metasfresh, we have decided to look farther and develop the best possible solutions for our customers rather than reinvent the wheel.
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