Release – 4.28.27

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes


Summertime, holidaytime. metasfresh 4.28.27 is a minor release with a few features and Bug fixes. We listed them below.

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The 4.28.27 Release includes the following new features.

  • #201 KPI Accounted Documents

    Created the logic for our new KPI „Accounted Documents“ which will be included into our new metasfresh webUI.

  • #212 MRPProductInfo display Conference flag with sys config

    Added a configuration possibility to be able to switch the conference flitering functionality on-off in MRP Product Info.

  • #226 show accounting currency in open items report

    Implemented a counter check Open Items Reports (customer, vendor) with Accounting Balance. Open Items in foreign currency now show also the sums in accounting currency.


We have tackled a few bugs in 4.28.27 Release. Here they are:

  • #153 PaymentRule = S in Invoice

    Checked Code for direct setting of PaymentRule cheque got rid of it.

  • #220 Do not load pricelist and pricelist version on login

    Not loading Pricelist and Pricelist Version into context anymore during login.

  • FRESH-402 Procurement bidding

    Minor jasper fix.


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