Release 4.41.40

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes

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metasfresh 4.41.40 includes a bunch of new features which were created for the new webUI. Additionally there the new Feature for quality assurance in fresh produce (Washing Testcycles) is introduced.

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This Release includes the following new Features .

  • #505 Possibility to define multiple Washing Testcycles for Carrots

    Quality Assurance Feature for Long Term Storage vegetables. Prossibility to define Washing cycles and route the Logistic Units to manufacturing Order.

  • #503 Beautify C_PaySelection_CreateFrom and C_PaymentTerm fields

    Adding better descriptions for Parameters in Payment selection Process.

  • #412 Get rid of AD_Tab.OrderByClause

    Adapting the sorting machanism in Tabs to allow Layout engines to receive precise Informations which columns are sorted. Initially needed for new WebUI.

  • #424 Migrate spring-boot from 1.3.3 to 1.4.x

    Updated spring boot-from to to allow the usage of a recent elasticsearch version.

  • #27 Support for custom order bys in browseView

    New WebUI: Added new Support for a custom order by criteria in grid-/ browse view.

  • #29 Adapt Invoice candidates window to webui

    New WebUI: Adapted the Invoice Candidates window to WebUI.

  • #31 Implement document actions

    New WebUI: Implemented the Document Action for the Web User Interface.

  • #32 Implement document references

    New WebUI: Provided the Document References to embed these in navigation contex of each document.

  • #33 Implement document filters from AD_UserQuery

    New WebUI: New and much easier Filtering criteria for data selections in metasfresh nextgen.

  • #20 Cache lookups

    New WebUI: Optimize lookups content loading with cache functionality


In Release 4.41.40 the following two minor Bugfixes were solved. Thank you for reporting them:

  • #508 Creating User without Business Partner throws Exception

    Minor fix in User Window when creating a new User without a Business Partner. Thanks to Dieter!

  • #487 Attribute editor dialog stores empty field as ''

    Monor Fix in Attribute Values and Attribute Set Instance Editor. Avoiding empty Attribute value entries.


The metasfresh documentation project is evolving fast. A huge „Thank you!“ to all contributors!

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About the Author

Mark Krake


Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.

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