Release 5.31

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes

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Our stable Release this week is characterized by new Functionality that’s added in Logistics and Picking. Further on a lot of fine tuning of WebUI Windows was done and a lot of Translations for Language en_US has been completed.
Contributors, thanks a lot for your awesome participation!

We have reached our 89th weekly & stable Release! Congrats metasfresh community! 🙂
Thanks to all for your great effort! metasfresh 5.31 is out now!

Would you like to join us? The metasfresh community is a great place to be and are looking for people that will help us to even make it better. Come in and join one of the most active Open Source ERP Projects worldwide. and have fun w/ a team in implementing complex business cases but also on leading edge web technologies. You are welcome. Meet us in our forum or in our Gitter Chat.
We are looking forward to meet you!


We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.

  • Easier solution to clear the Picking Slots

    New Feature for the clearing of Picking Slots and Preparing Handling Units for Logistics. #518

  • Window Design Webui : Translate fields of Purchase Candidates

    Improved Translations for Languages/ Locales de_DE and en_US added to the Purchase Candidates Window. #2603

  • Window Design Webui: Translate GL Journal window in English

    New Window and Fields Translation for en_US Language/ Locale. Adapting WebUI Design Guidelines. New Filter and Sorting Criteria. #2606

  • Window Design Webui: Improve window Internal Use Inventory

    Adapting the Window to current Design Guidelines in WebUI, new Sorting and Filter Criteria. Adding Translations for en_US. #2607

  • Window Design WebUI: Improve Payment Allocation window

    Improving Payment Allocation Window, adding Translations for en_US and adapting to current WebUI Guidelines. #2608

  • Window Design WebUI : Bank Statement Improvements

    Improving the Fields Translations and adding Layout adaptions to Bank Statement Window in WebUI. #2609

  • Webui Report Design : Rüstliste translations

    Translation of Pick List Report Parms to en_US. #2636

  • Forecast in Material Disposition

    Adding the new Forecast Demand into Material Disposition workflow. #2643

  • Source HU Automatism for Manufacturing IssueCopy of Forecast in Material Disposition

    Improvement of Forecast Window. Added Translations for en_US Language/ Locale and adapted Design Guidelines. #2660

  • New Window for AD_Scheduler in WebUI

    New Window for Scheduler Maintenance. #2690

  • Adjustments in Materialdispo Window in WebUI

    Improved Material Dispo Window. Removed deprecated Fields and added Translations for en_US and de_DE Locale/ Language #2691

  • Window Design Webui: Improvements in Dunning Type window

    New Translations added for Language en_US for Action and Referencelist. #2694

  • New Window in WebUI Menu. Now allowing the user to maintain Shipment Restrictions.

    New Translations added for Language en_US for Action and Referencelist. #2695

  • Window Design Webui: Add subscription details in Shipment Candidate window

    New Fields for Subscription/ Flatrate Terms in Shipment Disposition Window. Improved Translations for en_US. #2696

  • Set correct identifiers in the table M_ShipmentSchedule

    Improved Shipment Schedule Identifier, now showing valuable Information about it to the user. #2700

  • Show an explicit error message when reports don't open because of logo missing

    Improved Error Handling in Jasper Report Generation. #2700

  • Productdescription in sales order jasper

    New Product Description Field in Sales Order Jasper Report. #2711

  • Labels widget: keyboard support

    Adding the keyboard support for the new Labels widget. #1232

  • Included views are not working in non-modal windows

    Now also allowing the usage of included views in non-modal windows. #1239

  • Extend framework to allow modification of standard filter results

    Extension for Filter mechanism in WebUI, now allowing to register a component that enhances the filter result. Needed first in new Handling Unit Tracing window. #628


We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.

  • Discount in manual sales invoice

    Fixes the behavior of discount field in Sales Invoice. #2400

  • C_Flatrate_Conditions.C_Flatrate_Transition_ID needs to be mandatory

    Fixing the mandatory Logic in table/ window Flatrate Conditions. #2693

  • NPE when pressing Complete for an invoice with no lines

    Improves a Cornercase, now avoiding a Null Pointer Exception when completing an Invoice with no lines. #2699

  • HU lines appear only after refresh

    Fix for the missing refresh in Handling Unit editor after using quickactions. #1216

  • Fixes the missing „Select all“ Functionality in Handling Unit Editor. #1221

  • Error when pressing Action after completing an invalid document

    Improving the error Handling in Document Processing, avoiding errors after completing an invalid document. #1224

  • Opening a new included view is broken

    Fix for the included view in Picking Window. Now working in Non-Modal Views too. #1243

  • Error when navigating with up and down arrows in grid view

    Fix for the arrow navigation in WebUI Grid View. #1254


Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! Then check out our fast evolving Documentation. You can find it here:

About the Author

Mark Krake


Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.

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