Release 5.33

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes

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This week we did a mixture of different issues. Some were focussed on improving detailes in WebUI and others on detailed changes in dist orgs area.
Thanks to all contributors for your participation.

Thanks all for your effort!
metasfresh 5.33 is now out!

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We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.

  • Mark all Value and DocumentNo columns as IsCalculated=Y

    Improving the Handling of Document Numbers in WebUI, now defining all Value and DocumentNo columns as auto calculated behavior. #2546

  • Material Dispo - map planning records with actual M_Transactions

    New Data Structure in Material Disposition, now mapping the Planning records with real Material Transactions. #2684

  • Window Design Webui: Improve window Schedules

    Improving Schedules Window in WebUI, adding adjusted Mandatory Lofic for Cron-Pattern Field and Translation for en_US. #2719

  • Webui Design Window: Improve window Internal Use

    Improvement for the Internal Usage Window, adding Field Translations for Language/ Locale en_US. #2723

  • Add flatrate term relations from order and partner to new window contract

    Additional references between Flatrate Terms to Order and Business Partner in the new Contract Windoiw in WebUI. #2751

  • Remaining static element Translations

    Improving the Translations of de_DE Language/ Locale for static elements in WebUI. #2758

  • Change Default Address Layout for B2C Partners for country CH

    Adjusting the Adress Layout/ Capture Sequence for Locations in Switzerland. #2781

  • WebUI design: Invoice Candidates adjustments

    Improving the Invoice Candidates Window. Adding missing Translation for Field in en_US. #2783

  • Show LoginasUserHostkey in webui window user

    New Field „Login as User Hostkey“ in User Window. #2790

  • Make de.metas.document.archive.process.ExportArchivePDF work in webui

    Improvement of the Archove PDF Exporter, can now also be used in WebUI. #2800

  • New flag in Picking Tray window

    New Field to define the Rack System in Picking Tray Window in WebUI. #2815

  • Window Material Dispo in WebUI

    Improvement of Materialdispo window in WebUI, adding new Fields and Translations. #2821

  • WebUI: Orderlines adjustment for new Discount Groups

    New Fields in Orderlines allowing to use and define Groups Discounts in Sales Orderlines. #2826

  • Linenet amount not updated in sales order after changing flatrate condition

    New Read-Only Logic for Flatrate Terms Fields in Orderlines. #2838

  • WebUI: Add new Fields for SQL Columns to Material Dispo Transaction Subtab

    Improving Transaction included Subtab in Materialdispo Window. Now showing the Shipment/ Receipt Information in there. #2843

  • Elasticsearch shall use slf4j instead of log4j

    Internal Housekeeping Issue, changing the logger for elasticsearch uses. Now using slf4j. #2847

  • Hide window actions which are not available

    Improvement of Action Menu in WebUI, now only showing Actions that are available for the given context. #644

  • window/actions: introduce support for selectedTabId and selectedRowIds

    Adding support for selected Tabs and Rows in WebUI Windows. #645

  • New Widget for Date Range

    New Action Parameter Parm Widget. Now also allowing to use the DateRange Picker in Action Parms. #981

  • Add storybook for isolated visual component testing

    Initial Kickoff for automatic testing in WebUI. #1296

  • Add medium invoice report

    New Invoice Report. #41

  • Refactor Migration Scripts for dist orgs

    Internal Housekeeping Issue, rearranging the migration scripts for dist orgs. #55

  • Invoice Medium ESR and other Adjustments

    Adjustments to ESR Invoice Printformat and further adjustments. #72


We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.

  • Make the CalloutBankStatement webui compliant

    Fixes the Callout BankStatement for the usage in Bankstatement Window in WebUI. #2634

  • Exception when using process quotation to sales order with parameter complete order

    Fixes an exception that occured when using the action Quotation to Sales Order in WebUI. #2719

  • Flatrate: Have relation from Sales Order to invoice candidate

    New Relation from Sales Order to Invoice Candidates for Flatrate Terms. #2818

  • Add C_Invoice_Candidate.Priority missing column

    Adding the column Priority to Invoice Candidates. #2823

  • Setup wizard shall not inactivate ESR

    Improving the Setup Wizard, now avoiding the deactivation of ESR in Setup Workflow. #2836

  • Picking Tray Clearing requery to see the right view

    Fixes the new Picking Tray Clearing, requerying the Window to let the user see the correct data. #643

  • Shipped HU is still visible in picking terminal

    Fixes the picking Terminal, now not showing shipped HU anymore. #647

  • Fix Jasper Version of Invoice Medium

    Fix for the new Jasper Invoice Report. #67

  • Invoice Medium Preview working in Jasper but not on server

    Fix for the new Jasper Invoice Report in dis orgs. #80


Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! Then check out our fast evolving Documentation. You can find it here:

About the Author

Mark Krake


Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.

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