VAT Rates in Germany Return to Normal on 01/01/2020

Kay KostelnikArticle, Blog

Anhebung der Umsatzsteuersätze zum 1.1.2021

Following the temporary tax rate reduction in July, the tax rates will be raised again to 19% and 7% as of January 1, 2021. We will certainly help you to adjust the tax rates on your metasfresh system and are happy to answer any questions.
Instructions included here!

Good Reasons for metasfresh ERP — Ahead with metasfresh!

Kay KostelnikArticle, Blog

Good Reasons for metasfresh ERP

Choosing the right ERP system for your needs is anything but a mindless task and often comes accompanied by fears or uncertainties.
Our “Good Reasons” shall help highlight the benefits of metasfresh in a transparent way amidst the deep jungle of ERP offerings.