VAT Rates in Germany Return to Normal on 01/01/2020

Kay KostelnikArticle, Blog

Anhebung der Umsatzsteuersätze zum 1.1.2021

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On the basis of the 2nd Corona Tax Assistance Act and as part of the fiscal stimulus package for Germany, the German coalition committee had decided this summer to temporarily reduce the value-added tax until December 31, 2020.
On January 1, 2021, the VAT rates are going to return to their original values. Specifically they will generally be raised from 16% to 19% and from 5% to 7%.

We at metasfresh are prepared to help you to adjust the tax rates on your metasfresh system and are happy to answer any questions.

To make the adjustments yourself, simply follow these instructions and metasfresh will make sure that the changes are applied automatically and in time at the turn of the year, so that you can continue to focus on your business without worries.

About the Author

Kay Kostelnik


Technical Writer and Documentation Editor at metas GmbH.

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