Prescriptive analytics is the future of data science. With a modern ERP, organisations can open a data goldmine that can be leveraged for competitive advantage.
How to Leverage Your ERP to Optimise Your Email Marketing
ERP data can and should be used by the marketing department to inform and optimise campaigns. How to drive results by integrating your ERP with marketing.
Easy and Accurate: Automated Commission Management in metasfresh ERP
Effective commission management is crucial for improving profitability, talent acquisition and retention. Automated commission management tools are essential.
How ERP Makes SOP Implementation Easier and More Effective
While SOPs provide the standards for operational activities, ERP provides the platform for successful execution. Integrating the two is key to success.
Digital Transformation to Maximise the Employee Experience
Digital transformation is as much about people as it is technology. Strong leadership, communication, and well-considered tool selection are the keys to success.
Accelerating Digital Transformation – The metasfresh Cloud Vision
Moving enterprise apps like ERP to the cloud should support and accelerate digital transformation. The metasfresh Cloud Vision ensures you can.
Opening Doors to Success: How Open Source Is Becoming the Foundation of the Modern Enterprise
Open source software powers the modern web and is increasingly replacing proprietary offerings at the enterprise. Open source holds numerous benefits.
Responsible Digitalisation: We Need Digital Ethics
The rapid pace of digitalisation is changing how business is done and customers are served. Digital ethics is the next big challenge for the corporate world.
Accelerating Corporate Digital Responsibility in Response to COVID-19
As digital transformation initiatives accelerate in response to COVID-19, companies must engage in corporate digital responsibility to protect customers and employees.
VAT Cuts in Germany from 07/01 through 12/31/2020
The value-added tax rates of Germany are generally reduced to 16% and 5% respectively, limited from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. The legal basis is the 2nd Corona Tax Assistance Act, which was passed by the German Federal Government on June 12, 2020.