6 Secrets of Successful ERP Systems

John WaldronArticle, Artikel, Blog, Blog


The continuing growth of online commerce as a driving force in modern business practices is fueling the need for enterprises to rely on connected systems, networks, and software to conduct their affairs. And there’s a need for increased efficiency and the streamlining of business operations in an environment where organisations no longer have their work forces confined to a particular location.

What Does an Effective B2B Content Marketing Strategy Look Like?

John WaldronArticle, Artikel, Blog, Blog

B2B Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing has become one of the most widely used and important tactics employed in the B2B realm. According to the latest report from the Content Marketing Institute, 88% of B2B organisations are now using content marketing, defined by the same body as “a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience – and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

Clustering for high availability – the secret to a good night’s sleep

Julian BischofArticle, Blog

Those who have experienced system failures and the loss of data know exactly how important data security and redundancy is, especially for business-critical software such as an ERP system. Julian Bischof, IT administrator at metas GmbH and expert for metasfresh installation and database administration shares his experiences and views on clustering and why he can get a good night’s sleep.