Contribute and Become Part of the metasfresh Open Source Community!


Welcome to the metasfresh Community!

There’s more to the development of an open source ERP software than just programming. It involves many different roles with different priorities. Would you like to take part in the development of metasfresh ERP? Would you like to contribute to turning metasfresh ERP into the largest and most active open source ERP software project in the world? Awesome! Welcome aboard. We would like to give you a brief overview of how you can take part in the development of metasfresh ERP.

Database Experts

Here at metasfresh we are currently working with the DBMS PostgreSQL. If you have some experience with PostgreSQL administration or if you would just like to practice and expand your SQL skills, we want to hear from you.

Front-End Developers

metasfresh is currently equipped with a state-of-the-art web-based front end using React Redux, which allows for a flexible development of graphical interfaces.

UX – User Experience Experts

Our ERP software represents and displays various complex processes within a company. Designing processes and user interactions to make them as intuitive as possible shall help the user to remain largely unaffected by the processes‘ complexity. If you are interested in contributing, please feel free to join us.

Documentation Writers and Editors

metasfresh ERP involves numerous technical and functional processes. Providing a correct and thorough description of these processes helps users to easily get started with the software.


Are you already using metasfresh in your company and would like to provide valuable information in order to make metasfresh even better? We are looking forward to your input. Let us know about your ideas and discuss their implementation with other community members.


Would you like to contribute your expert knowledge regarding the purchasing, sales, controlling, production, distribution / logistics or other processes in SMEs in order to improve metasfresh ERP? Feel free to join us!

Software Testers

Testing functional and technical requirements in metasfresh ERP is indispensable. We have already implemented quality control procedures for our releases. If you enjoy spotting and documenting possible errors or if you would just like to become acquainted with metasfresh step by step, you’re a perfect match for our community.

Back-End Developers

Functional and technical aspects are implemented in the back end. They represent the heart of metasfresh ERP. If you love challenges, you will soon feel comfortable in this environment.

GUI Designers

With metasfresh we would like to prove that open source ERP software does not only set functional standards and that it can compete with proprietary ERP solutions even when it comes to the design of the graphical user interface. There’s a big challenge waiting for you.


metasfresh ERP is being used in various countries with different languages. Most progress has been made on the German localization process. We look forward to your dedicated support and collaboration as a translator for further languages.

Financial Accounting

A financial accounting feature is integrated in metasfresh. Please feel free to join our community if you are experienced in financial accounting matters or in implementing charts of accounts in different countries.



The social coding platform GitHub offers all the tools necessary for actively participating in the development of metasfresh: Bugs, new challenges or improvements regarding the software can be specified, help texts and technical documentation can be created and updated. It’s an ideal service for contributors to exchange information and use a range of functions to comment on the work of others or to give feedback. Today, GitHub with its more than 15 million developers and 38 million projects is considered the de-facto standard for the collaborative development of open source software projects.

Source code:


We attach great importance to the documentation for all those involved in the development of metasfresh ERP: users, admins, developers and testers.
The relevant contents are created by the community. Anyone can join in.

Start page
The focal point for all target groups is the page

Java docs for developers
The Java docs for the complete metasfresh source code are at your disposal. Would you like to look up details of classes and methods relating to the source code? As a developer, you will find here what you’re looking for:

metasfresh Java docs
metasfresh ESB Java docs


Would you like to actively exchange information with other contributors in the metasfresh community or do you need help regarding a metasfresh issue? Join us in our forum and engage with available experts in our community.

Issue Trackers

We are committed to constantly improving metasfresh ERP and adding new, efficient features. If a bug is found in the software, we are particularly interested in learning about it and finding solutions / bug fixes as fast as possible. We would very much appreciate your feedback regarding your ideas on how to improve or expand our software. Also, please let us know if you have found a bug or error. You can get in touch using the following issue trackers:


Do you want to see how fast metasfresh ERP evolves compared to other Open Source ERP Systems? Then come and check out the stats at OpenHUB and find out how the metasfresh ERP Project is doing.