Release – 4.22.21

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes


metasfresh 4.22.21 is a minor release that includes a few new features and bug fixes, as listed in below in the list of Features and Fixes.

Would you like to grab the source code? You can find it here
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The 4.22.21 Release includes improvements focussing on Performance. Below is a list of the new Features:

  • FRESH-275 Search Field in Role _Access Windows with autocomplete

    In Window Role, allow the user to search and autocomplete Windows, Processes, Forms and more, instead of using a dropdown list. This Functioanality allows a faster creation of Permission rules.

  • FRESH-349 KPI: Printing Performance

    Adding a window to show per-shipment performance. This will help to understand if printing performance changes over time.

  • FRESH-350 check if purchase inout label and print preview can run faster

    Improving Performance of material Receipt Labels in Print Preview and printing performance.

  • FRESH-377 make invoice print preview faster

    Improving Performance of Invoice Document in Print Preview and Printing.

  • FRESH-383 make orders print preview run faster

    Improving Performance of Purchase- and Sales-Order-Document in Print Preview and Printing.


The 4.22.21 Release includes different Bugfixes. Below is a list of solved issues:

  • FRESH-400 Cut off in invoice jaspers

    Header Label for UOM was cut off in Invoice Document. Fixed.

  • FRESH-344 Move KPI SQL to repository and new DB Schema

    Fix: KPI SQLs were in the default/public schema.

  • FRESH-356 make logo work for any org

    Fixed Issues about Possibility using a different Logo for all Organisations.


The metasfresh community Project has the aim to create a detailed documentation for metasfresh to allow new and experienced users to understand how stuff works.
Would like like to participate in our Open Source Community. Come in, your welcome!

The 4.22.21 Release includes a larger amount of new Documentation Files. The Highlights are:

  • Creation of HowTo's

    You can now find a quickly growing Set of HowTo’s in our metasfresh documentation Project. Check the details here :

Thank you!

A big „Thank you !“ to all contributors. You are awesome.