Release – 4.24.23

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes


metasfresh 4.24.23 includes a new feature about mass closing invoice candidates and different fixes, as listed in the list of Features and Fixes below.

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The 4.24.23 Release includes one additional Feature.

  • FRESH-378 process to close invoice candidates

    New Feature in Invoice Candidates Window which allows the mass manipulation of records setting these to „processed“. Also checking and updating referenced shipment candidates during this workflow.


In Release 4.24.23 different minor Bugfixes were adressed. You can find the list of the issues that were solved:

  • #118 FRESH-454 Dont create InvoiceCandidates for DocSubType Saldokorrektur

    Changed InOut Handler to not create Invoice candidates when DocSubType is „Saldokorrektur“.

  • #104 FRESH-441 Notification bar in Material Receipt (POS) covers OK Button

    Moved the Notification Bar slightly up, so the OK Button, Cancel Button and Changelog Link is not covered anymore.

  • #107 FRESH-445 Awkward eMail encoding in Swiss language

    Simple Fix to ensure the right encoding when sending eMails.

  • FRESH-280 Period sorting in all Dropdowns where uses year-month numeric

    Fix related to Order by of Calender and Periods in all relevant Dropdown Lists.

  • #105 FRESH-442 Annotated model interceptor

    Annotated model interceptor with timing after delete and ifColumnChanged does not work correctly. Fixed.

  • FRESH-438 Make MRP Product Info Work

    Removed stale data and added FK-constraints and improved logging to avoid Null Pointer Exception

  • FRESH-306 Customer alloc with Vendor Payment: Wrong Accounting

    Adjusted the accounting of the Alocoation of Incoming and Outgoing Payments.


The metasfresh documentation project is evolving fast. A huge „Thank you!“ to all contributors!

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  • FRESH-323 metasfresh Developer Documentation

    Added some clarifications and described how to import the initial DB-dump