Release – 4.25.24

Mark KrakeBlog


metasfresh 4.25.24 is a major milestone. We’ve switched to Java 8 and to newest Jasper Reports in this release. These and other enhancements can be found in the list of Features and Fixes below.

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Thanks a lot to all contributors for your time and effort participating in this release. You’re awesome!


The 4.25.24 Release includes the following new enhancements and new functionalities.

  • FRESH-399 Upgrade to java-8

    Client and Server Upgrade of metasfresh to usage of Java 8. Existing users, please update your metasfresh server.

  • FRESH-397 Upgrade to JasperStudio and latest jasper version

    Update of Reports and Documents in metasfresh to use the latest Jasper Studio and Jasper Reports Version. Updating to jasperreports-6.2.1

  • FRESH-472 Sequence on Org for more than 1 Doctype

    Enhancement of Document Sequence seperation among different Organisations. Implemented so that Organisations may uses same Doctypes but seperated Doc Sequences.

  • #90 FRESH-417 Create view and window to identify missing counter documents

    Implemented View to allow check if counter Documents are missing.

  • #123 FRESH-460 Users find window name "window, tab, field" confusing

    Adjusted Name of Window “Windows, Tabs and Fields”

  • #124 FRESH-461 Role "System Administrator" is disabled

    Note: Not a “fix” because we deliberately deactivated it before and now find that the normal user is better off with the role being available.

  • #125 FRESH-462 enable all entity types

    Not a fix, the reasoning is similar to #124.

  • #162 FRESH-499 modernize the server's index.html

    Adjusted the index.html to upgrade of metasfresh to Java 8 usage.

  • #139 FRESH-475 Check for java8 in the rollout-scripts

    Adjusted the rollout scripts of metasfresh to Java 8 usage.


In Release 4.25.24 different minor Bugfixes were adressed. You can find the list of the issues that were solved:

  • #137 FRESH-473 Glitches running metasfresh out of eclipse

    Adding a lauch config to run the client with embedded server. Removing a not-needed dependency that might not be available. Ignoring local activemq data. Thanks a lot to @pmaingi for going through them with us.

  • #147 FRESH-484 Error creating manual DD_Order

    Fixes an issue that appeared whn Distribution Orders were manually created.

  • #148 FRESH-485 de.metas.async.api..AD_User_InCharge_ID can't be overriden on org level


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