Release – 4.27.26

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes


There are new features and bugfixes included in our weekly release metasfresh 4.27.26. They are listed in the list below.

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In Release 4.27.26 we have included a few new features or feature enhancements.

  • #152 Improvements in counter documents view and window

    Added different fields. Renamed fields for better understanding. Added different validation rules.

  • #173 Window Dunning Candidates - new Field DocumentNo

    Included the Invoice Document No. in Dunning Candidates window.

  • #183 Error in material tracking if one partner has two contracts (with different conditions) for the same product

    Skipping a number of unneccesary things if an invoice candidate’s Processed_Override value is set to „Y“

  • FRESH-402 Procurement bidding

    Adding the jasper files for the procurement documents.

  • #181 Customer specific Lieferschein without Price

    New Jasper Shipment Document that does not show the prices for each line.


Let’s see what was fixed in Release 4.27.26. Thanks a lot to all contibutors for testing, reporting, fixing and documenting the issues.

  • #216 Accounting: Invoice grand total Fact_Acct line was not found

    Fixed a Bug in accounting of Allocation Header that appeared in certain circumstances when writing off paid amount completely.

  • #100 EDI wrong handover location in Picking Terminal

    Sales Orders created via EDI Import could have the wrong handover Locations in a certain condition. This wrong Location appeared in Picking Terminal. Fixed this.

  • #174 Report Konten-Information empty c_activity_id

    Added a new Flag in Report Parameters to show all entries which have a empty c_activity_id.

  • #203 Payment writeoff not possible for Incoming Payment

    Fixed a Bug that prohibited the writeoff in incoming Payments.

  • #175 C_Invoice_Update_PaymentRule

    Changed Lagacy Code that set the Payment Rule to cheque.

  • #210 product appears twice in invoice print preview

    Minor Bug in Jasper Document that printed out the wrong quantity and total for an invoiceline when shipment quantity was 0 and the invoiceline was aggregated with more than 1 shipment.

  • FRESH-529 drop qtyreserved from product info

    Dropped the column qtyreserved from product info window.


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