Release – 4.29.28

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes


3 new Features and 3 Bugfixes in the last week. Would you like to find out which these are, then check out the list of Features and Bugfixes below.

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The 4.29.28 Release includes the following new Features.

  • #241 Excel Export for Open Items accounting currency

    Adjusted the Excel Export of Open Items report ro show the sums in accounting currency.

  • #240 Consitency check page for Saldobilanz

    Added a new Page in Salsobilanz report to allow quick consistency check of accountings.

  • #225 Allocation - Accounting 0,00 when Posted

    Added a process which double checks the accountings of the day. If a document ist posted and the accounting results are 0,00 then a the document information is logged and the document is reposted.


We squashed the following Bugs in the current release.:

  • #176 Bestellkontrolle add Promised Date

    Added the Date promised onto report Bestellkontrolle.

  • #263 Delivery Conditions Flag sometimes not set in Procurement Candidates

    Moved the Notification Bar slightly up, so the OK Button, Cancel Button and Changelog Link is not covered anymore.

  • #248 Admin Login when deleted properties

    Adressed a security issue that allowed to gain admin permissions after deleting the client properties.


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„Thank you!“ to all contributors!