Release – 4.33.32

Mark KrakeBlog


metasfresh 4.33.32 includes different fixes, as listed in the list of Features and Fixes below.

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These are the features included in the latest release:

  • #320 material tracking - provide excel friendly information view

    New SQL report for material tracking


In this Release different minor Bugfixes were adressed. You can find the list of the issues that were solved:

  • #299 Report "Leergutausgabe" from Window "Lieferantenrücklieferung"

    Localized the empties Report so that one can now include alternative languages.

  • #315 M_ReceiptSchedule.QtyToMove not properly updated on reopen

    The QtyToMove is now updated after reactivating/ reopening the Material Receipt Schedule.

  • #225 Allocation - Accounting 0,00 when Posted

    Fixed further minor issues in reposting manchanism for Payment Allocations.

  • #277 Invoice candidates sums at the bottom are not considering org-assignment

    Fixed an issue with Org Role Access in Window Invoice Candidates. Now the Status Row considers the Org Access Permission


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