Release 4.34.33

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes


metasfresh 4.34.33 focussed on a new Feature to improve the user experience about zooming into related documents. Further on we included multiple Bug Fixes as listed in the list below.

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Here are the new Features we added to the current Release.

  • #297 Performance problems related to zoom-to

    Improved user experience, massively reduced loading times for generic zoom-to links in icon-bar.

  • #249 Referenzliste in AttributeValue

    Getting rid of Reference List (System) in client side Attribute Values.

  • #347 change default docaction after complete

    After eliminating all close docactions in permissions now changing the next docaction in document Workflow.


The following issues were solved and closed in the current release.

  • #315 ReceiptSchedule.QtyToMove not properly updated on reopen

    Fixed a Bug that prevented the correct update of ReceiptSchedule.QtyToMove after reactivating the record.

  • #319 material tracking - deduplicate numbers in article statistics report

    Getting rid of duplicated statistic qmounts in material Tracking report.

  • #329 Revenue reports BPartner & Week show different amounts when HU Price

    Fixing an issue in Business Partner Revenue Weeek Report that appeared with Usage of Transportation Units with multiple Customer Units in shipments.

  • #340 Validation Rule in C_BPartner_Product for C_BPartner_ID wrong

    Minor Fix of the Validation Rule in C_BPartner_Product. Now also allowing Businesspartners on Client Level.

  • #351 translate order summary

    The Order summary is now covered by translation.

  • #335 Invoicing taking wrong Documenttype for Producer Invoice

    Issue solved when changing the Parms for Producer Invoiceing in Business Partner after already having created Invoice Candidates.


The metasfresh documentation project is growing! „Thank you!“ to all contributors.