Release 4.35.34

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes


metasfresh 4.35.34 is a minor Release with a few new features and a bug fixes.

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The current Release includes the following new Features.

  • FRESH-112 metasfresh web

    Integrated recent backend related changes done for metasfresh REST API Implementation.

  • #359 document Note not displayed on invoice

    Implemenation of a large Sales and purchase Tracking Report inclusing possibility to export to excel

  • #354 Rearrange unloading fields in Sales Order Window

    Adjusted the validation- and display-rules in sales order window abould fields for unloading (Partner, Location).


In Release 4.24.23 different minor Bugfixes were adressed. You can find the list of the issues that were solved:

  • #366 Faulty unique constraint on M_PriceList

    Fixed a wrong contraint in M_Pricelist, that prevented creating Product-BPartner-Price-Combination with BPartner recorded on client level.


The metasfresh documentation project is evolving fast. A huge „Thank you!“ to all contributors!